Chapter 4: Kaitlyn: When Two Forces Collide

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When Two Forces Collide


The moment that Brittany spoke those ill-fated words, that it spelled more than trouble. It involved Samantha and whatever trouble she had brought onto herself, even if she escaped, would surely follow her here.

Even with the events of Tucson technically behind us, I still had Dimitria—and she hadn't seen Sam in ages either—so it was almost like a "now or never moment".

I could hear Drea's voice as she was working with Elizabeth to heal Olivia's injury, however, as I glanced over my shoulder, I saw Drea shake her head and walk away. Which gave me the inclination that Liz was shutting us out. Yet again.

Which was very typical of her. Especially as of late.

"I can't believe this woman," Drea groaned in exasperation as she tried to shake off those contentious moments. She jogged over to us and into the kitchen, as I went to the fridge, where I pulled a drink from it, and then started to make my way towards the huge Veranda I heard her harshly slam the door, causing the ground to shake. "Or Olivia for that matter; my God, she's delusional."

"Delusional, huh?" I titled my head to the side, as I looked at her trying to decipher the enigma of her mood "You think that either Liv or Liz have gone off the deep end?"

We locked eyes as she took a large swig of her Coke drink. "I honestly don't know. I think at this point," Drea glared over her shoulder towards Olivia, and then back to us. "I tried to help to gain experience, but..."

I put a finger to her soft lips. "Don't dwell on it. I suggested. "I know you were trying."

"Come join us and see if Kait needs to be stitched up." Brittany suggested. "It'll also help take your mind off things."

That brought a smile to her face. "Considering the shit," She focused back on me with a smirk. "You manage to find yourself in, I wouldn't be surprised if you did need stitches." She laughed at the end.

As I pulled the chair out to sit at the table, there were times I had to remind myself that Brittany was my sister—even if we didn't look like.

I mean, hell, we didn't have the same "Upbringing"; not to mention she a tower of a woman. While she didn't have the muscles that usually came with her life, she had the speed and sharpness instead. Her brown eyes had a way of piercing right through you and keeping you honest. It was that, or she was determined to start a bar fight and then promptly win. She was dressed in a loose-fitting crop top that slung over one of her shoulders, along with a pair of jeans that were snug at her waist.

"What the hell happened out there?" she started as I was trying to calm myself down from had happened only hours before. "I thought..."

Dimitria bore her deep green eyes into Brittany, almost like she was trying to stare into her soul. "It's not like we planned any of this." She pulled out a chair and sat next to me. "I was on the run. From something, or someone. I think the circle is coming back."

Her jaw dropped at that. "NO!"

I pulled out the mysterious bag that I had found from the person who attacked me along with Dimitria and put it on the table for Brittany to see.

"I found this on the person who attacked me." Gesturing to the bag with my eyes. "This was what I could only assume what has been used lately during the attacks." Its soo odd that they would be going to such lengths to create their attacks."

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