Chapter 11: Brittany: When the Dust Settles

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When the Dust Settles


"WHAT you're saying is madness. It has to be." I heard Sam ask Freya, as she was starting to come around more, after her ordeal with Julian, and her own mental health breakdown. "Freya, it just can't be true."

"It is my warrior." Freya replied. "You saw it yourself during her fight with your own mother. she mentioned to you, that was just a fraction of her power." I watched them have this debate over Kait and the power she could possibly possess, and just how strong it was.

And truthfully, after seeing the battle myself firsthand, I was inclined to agree. Kait was our most skilled fighter, and often mentioned that she never went one hundred percent, unless it was absolutely called for.

I couldn't even recall the times that she had to—or was even forced to.

She was that confident in her physical fighting abilities. Her magical abilities however...those needed work.

"Sam," I spoke up as I was sipping on my wine and finally getting into this debate. "If Freya is saying it because she senses it—then it's something we shouldn't ignore, rather help her improve."

"I'm not against that—not at all." Sam backed up her words. She must have simply been shocked to hear it from Freya directly. "It just...hard to digest is all. Comparing her to you, I can see as one thing but to compare her to our All Father? That seems.... a bit farfetched, even by logical standards."

"Would you rather her be compared to Hel, the Goddess of Death?" Freya hinted towards her, raising her brows.

At that notion, Sam gulped down a dose of truth and reason, while Freya had taken a sip of her red wine.

In the hours since the aftermath attack that Sophie had launched, I had ordered the grounds to be searched hourly, and to the guards switch the rotation every two. I was trying to ensure that we didn't have another surprise on our hands, when we already were down by less than half our group. Split up since Tucson.

Gods only knows where the girls were at this very moment. I had only hoped that they had managed to hold on to their sanity.

For Sam, however, it was quite a different story.

In the time after her breakdown, she was quiet, and distant. All she did was lay on me, often switching between sleeping again, and working on something on her laptop—something that was currently her obsession.

She had told me that there was something that she wanted to investigate, without having to get too far, but after several attempts of it not going her way, I had to grab and lock her wrists in place, so she didn't further damage her self-esteem.

She told me that her mind kept replaying the fight repeatedly, to the point where she felt sick and threw up several times.

She even tried to not eat, but I was stern with her and told her that it would help her mood—even if it was just little bit at a time.

The losses were stained with blood and felt heavy. Even I, had my own struggles. I kept seeing Adrian's body dead on the lounge floor.

He was dead for my inability of acting and reacting. I also had no one to blame but my own self, and even Drea had to pull me aside and remind me that, what happened back there wasn't my fault.

We had been walked right into Julian's trap and didn't even see the signs, while she enjoyed every moment.

As did Joshua.

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