Chapter 19: Kaitlyn and Alissa: Twin Flames

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Twin Flames


I knew that doing what we did, and the choices that we had to make, would be difficult. Did I agree with them? Not always.

Was this the best possibility we had open to us? Probably.

And yet, when I saw that Alissa had traded places with Sam back there, I intuitively knew why.

She couldn't bear the fact of letting me go into this alone. She couldn't bear losing anyone of us. She didn't want to lose me, or Sam in any sense of the word.

Hell, even being separated from her own sibling, her other half was agonizing, since I could just feel the pain, she was emanating from her body.

The resistance to not breakdown. The resistance to fight off whatever pain she would feel from this long strain away, that would only intensify as the distance between them grew.

They did everything together, even though they were different in almost every fashion.

Alisa mirrored my outspoken personality and charisma by being the mellow one. She took in everything, processing it the best way she could. She also had that "healing" effect on everyone. She cared enough to sacrifice herself and her sanity, to see through other people's trials—to have those terrible times end.

That's why she was my other half; she resonated with me on a level outside the normal plane. Since she had healed me of my panic attacks before we both knew what they were at the time.

She felt my pain eminently the first time I had ever been assaulted. The feeling had nauseated her, causing her to become ill and spend many nights throwing up.

And yet, at the end of those nights, we spent them curled up by a fire, with blankets draped around us, trying to shave off the cold that had been biting at us from the outside of the Castle walls where we were living at the time.

However, at the same time, aside from her sister, we were never able to be separated, unless there was a damn good reason.

And most of those reasons, when you were living under a heartless tyrant, the reasons were just plain bullshit.

And in this situation, when we were riding in the backseat, with Joshua, Julian, and even Sophie staring us down, her hands still, tied as they were, found mine, and held on to them as she also leaned awkwardly against me, doing everything in her own power, to not breakdown.

To not show any weakness. Since I knew if I lost her, essentially, we lost the pair.

Talk to me love. I telepathically communed with her. We hadn't done this form of communication in what felt like forever, yet we still had the connection. Mostly since we could be deep and personal with each other. What's going through your head?

The road beneath us, slipping past us like a blur at such high speeds, in one setting we were passing lights on the road, and then the next we were driving through a thick cloud of nighttime sky. Even though the windows were tinted from the inside and out, I still tried to steal a glance of where we were going; just to see if I could recall the place.

To see if it was in anyway familiar to me.

If I told you I was scared, would you believe me? She telepathically replied; it was hard not to tell. Her eyes gave her away the moment we hit the point of no return. Since aside from what you went through, all those times, I'm so scared. I'm so scared in a way that...that.

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