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        (Jimin's POV)

        Rina changed her daughters into their day clothes and did their hair for us, before leaving. Soomin was now wearing these cute denim overalls with a pastel pink shirt underneath. Her hair was in messy space buns that had been neater before but she had been running around so much they were much looser now. Yeona was wearing another floral dress with yellow frilly socks to match. Her hair was braided back into one pretty braid.

          "Good luck." Yoongi said as Rina stood near the door, ready to go. I nodded in agreement and she thanked us for babysitting her girls. Her gaze lingered on Yoongi for a moment and she seemed like she wanted to say something. He shook his head as if to say no. Her expression faltered but she quickly replaced it as her daughter ran up to her to say goodbye.

           "Good lucks mommy!" Yeona hugged her leg.

            "Good luck!" Soomin added, both of them repeating Yoongi even though they didn't seem to know what they were saying it for. Rina kneeled down to hug them.

             "Thank you two, be good while I'm gone okay?" She replied, looking at them endearingly. When she left, Yoongi and I were in charge of feeding them breakfast.

              "So what do kids eat? Like applesauce of something right?" Yoongi mumbled more to himself than me. I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen. Yoongi tried to find their toy bin while I made them breakfast. I made toaster waffles and cut up some strawberries to go with the yogurt I found in the fridge. I made sure to cut up the waffles into little pieces before calling them over. The girls, even though very rowdy, were actually very well mannered. They came over immediately and raised their arms. For a moment I was confused but then I realized they needed help getting on the chairs. I laughed slightly, picking them up, one at a time and setting them in the chairs at the counter. They had booster seats to accommodate their small frames. I slid the plates over to them and got the mini forks I found on the drawer. They ate happily as I got them juice. I had babysat a lot of problem children in the past, but they seemed perfect.

               That is until the sugar from the syrup and juice set in. I hadn't thought it was that much sugar but suddenly everything was crazy.

               Yoongi chased Yeona around the apartment, she had markers in her hands and was dragging it across the white walls as she ran. Soomin ripped up the paper we had given them to draw on and laughed liked a maniac as she threw the paper up into the air.

               "Confetti!!" She cheered and only ripped up more as I tried to get her to stop.

               It continued like this for a few hours. We would finally get them to settle down for an activity and just when we would relax they would get bored and start causing trouble. By the late afternoon, I was relived when they finally settled down for nap time.

                "How long is that interview?" I huffed as I finally relaxed on the couch. Yoongi stood near the hallway, just having put down Yeona. I had put down Soomin who had demanded a nap time story and I had to read 6 before she finally started falling asleep. By Yoongi's tired expression, I guessed he had gone through the same thing.

               "She's going to multiple so I really don't know." Yoongi actually answered my question this time. The girls had helped us clean up some of their mess but it was up to his to scrub the marker off of the wall. I reluctantly got up to get a small bucket of soapy water and a towel. Yoongi watched as I kneeled down next to the wall.

              "Aren't you going to help?" I scoffed and he just lazily shifted positions on the couch.

               "I rather sleep." He closed his eyes, refusing to help me. I sucked my teeth and scrubbed the wall myself. Luckily kids markers were made for this and came off rather easily. When I was done i wrung out the towel and walked over to Yoongi's sleeping position. I dropped the damp towel on his face and watched as he sputtered awake. "Jimin!" He yelled as I walked away from him to empty the bucket of water.

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