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       (Jimin's POV)

       "What happened?" Jin ran up to where we were sitting with Namjoon close behind. They looked just as frantic as we felt. He looked at Taehyung and I expectantly.

          "He fell down the stairs at her house. The doctors aren't telling us anything." Taehyung answered hopelessly. "We're not blood related or anything so they won't tell us." He answered, almost seeming like he would cry again. Taehyung and I had tried to talking to doctors and nurses and anyone we could find but no one would tell us anything. Hoseok had tried to take Yoongi home but he refused. Yoongi was in the bathroom now, it felt like he had been there a while.

            "He was unconscious when he hit the ground. He wouldn't wake up no matter what we did." I explained, my eyes filling up with anxious tears. In our panic, I wasn't sure who called Namjoon and Jin. Jin left to go try and find a doctor while Namjoon sat in between Taehyung and I.

"He's going to be okay guys." He tried to comfort us but it wasn't much use. Between waves of panic and crying, he tried to ask us questions about what had happened. Questions like how tall were the steps, how long did it take emt's to get there, was he responsive on the drive over?

"N-no he wasn't bleeding-" Taehyung hiccuped aggressively as he answered Namjoon's next question. I guess he figured it was traumatizing so he stopped asking questions and just pulled Taehyung into arms, allowing him to cry. I stood up as Jin and Hoseok came back. Jin took Namjoon to the side and he nodded before walking off to where they had just came from. "Did they tell you anything?" Taehyung asked and Hoseok shook his head.

"No but we just remembered that Jungkook gave Namjoon his health care power of attorney when he first got into boxing here since his parents were so far away."

"Power of attorney? What does that mean?" I asked, hoping that was good.

"It basically means that Namjoon can make medical decisions for Jungkook in case he is unable to. Which also means that even though none of us are legal relatives, the doctors will tell Namjoon what's going on." Jin explained before sitting down in the hospital waiting room chair next to me. He rubbed my back reassuringly but I could tell he was just as worried. We waited around for a while. None of us really knew what was going on. "How could he just fall down the stairs like that?"

"Yoongi had suspicions that drugs were involved- where is Yoongi?" Hoseok asked but before that could be answered, Namjoon came back, making us all alert.

"The doctor said there was an unhealthy amount of Flunitrazepam in his system. It's a drug usually used for extreme cases of insomnia, so that much in his system would knock someone out cold. It wasn't enough to overdose though. The doctor says that's why they think he fell down the stairs, he passed out. There's no obvious head trauma, and they said that he should be fine but they won't know for sure until he wakes up." Namjoon explained and it was a mix of emotions but mostly relief.

"How did that much of it get into his system though?" Jin asked and Taehyung and I looked back at Hoseok.

"It's a commonly used date rape drug." Namjoon spoke, obviously confused by the way we were looking at each other. Hoseok took off in the opposite direction suddenly. "Where-"

"Yoongi mentioned something about thinking they were drugged. Yoongi was really sluggish the whole way over and was barely conscious when we got here. He said he needed to go to the bathroom but he hasn't been back." Taehyung explained as if he suddenly remembered. We had been so caught up with Jungkook, that we didn't think about how the same thing probably happened to Yoongi.

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