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         (Jimin's POV)

          "Harder!" He shouted, moving again. "Again, harder! You need to go faster!"

           I watched as Jungkook moved, quickening his pace while simultaneously trying to add more force. His trainer was not taking it easy on him just because he had been out of training for the past few weeks. I onlooked as they moved around the ring from the outside. My makeshift seat made of wall pads was getting uncomfortable.

            Jungkook dodged every jab and gesture the trainer made at him with increasing speed, before finding a gap and punching through it, making the other man stumble back a little.

             "Good, there you go." He encouraged and after a few more minutes, the first two hours were done. Jungkook jumped out of the ring to get his water which was next to me.

               "I told you that you didn't have to tag along, I've got two more hours here." Jungkook said breathlessly before taking a long swing from his oversized water bottle...which I had filled up twice already. I just shrugged, not mentioning that Jin asked me to come, just to keep an eye on him and to make sure Josephine didn't come around. He and Namjoon were trying to make a case against her but there wasn't much evidence, which had stressed them out beyond belief. They wanted her in jail, and when we realized that might not be possible, considering our case wasn't being taken very seriously, Namjoon rebounded to getting a restraining order against her for Jungkook. This in itself was a long and hard process too since it's hard to get a restraining order against someone who goes to your school. On top of all that Jin was convinced that even if Jungkook was in pain or something else was wrong from the accident, he wouldn't say anything, so Jin wanted me to make sure he wasn't showing any signs of injury.

                "Maybe I just like watching." I replied as he put the water down, now 3/4ths empty. He was sweaty, to the point where his white t-shirt was sticking to him everywhere and his gray shorts were and even darker shade now. In attempts not to sexualize a non-sexual situation, I tried not to focus on the way the fabric was sticking to him.

              Before Jungkook could reply, his trainer was calling him back over. I had tried doing some assignments as today was the first day back to class and I had already gotten work, but it was hard to focus in this environment. Soon enough I was dozing off on the mats.

              "Jimin, hey, Jimin." I was nudged awake, which made me realize I had fallen asleep in the first place. I opened my eyes to see Jungkook in front of me, he was wearing new clothes and was less sweaty.

              "Is it over?" I mumbled, wiping my eyes as he laughed lightly. I could only guess that he used the showers here to freshen up, as he did pretty commonly.

              "Yeah it's over, come on." He held out his hand to me and helped me up. He didn't let go as we walked through the school corridors. I wanted to ask why we were going the long way since there was an exit to the parking lot right from the training room. "Let's meet up with Namjoon, he's probably still here." He explained, so I eagerly followed behind.

We had been talking about something when we reached Namjoon's classroom but Jungkook pulled me to the side and gave me the shhh symbol. I was confused until I peaked around the classroom door that he was looking behind. Namjoon was talking to someone.

(Namjoon's POV)

"Its really not best if we continue working together." I sucked my teeth before leaning against my desk.

"You think I don't know that? I've already asked the dean and talked to other administrators about transferring to be a TA for someone else but I've been rejected every time." San replied, making himself comfortable on one of the desks in front of me. "You assaulted me in front of my sister-"

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