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       (Jimin's POV)

        I stood in front of the door. Why am I nervous? Jungkook is mostly still at practice and Taehyung is probably riding home with him. That meant I didn't have to see them yet, so why was I still nervous to enter the house? Jin and Namjoon might be mad but...I'm an adult right? Why am I nervous then? Ugh.

        I opened the door. The house seemed quiet. I didn't see anyone or hear anything as I quietly made my way over to the steps. Maybe I was nervous for no reason then, it doesn't even seem like anyone is home.

          "Jimin!" I heard a yell from behind me and almost fell over from jumping so hard. Just as I turned around I was attacked into a strong gripped hug.

           "Don't fucking scare me like that." Jin sighed, burying his face in my hair.

             "It was only one night." I mumbled as I saw Namjoon standing off to the side. They really had appeared out of nowhere but I couldn't focus on that when Namjoon looked so pissed.

              "Yeah it was one night where you disappeared and wouldn't answer anyone's calls. Then you ditched school today. How were we supposed to know what happened? For all we knew you got into a car accident or something, none of us are emergency contacts so we would've had no way of knowing." Namjoon crossed his arms. I hadn't really thought about that, about how scary it would be if someone just disappeared for a night in a relatively new town to them and didn't respond to anything.

              "I gave my phone to Yoongi, I didn't mean to ignore you guys." My voice came out soft and choked because of Namjoon's intense gaze. Jin was still hugging me, shaking me a bit as he held me. When I looked up I saw the tired expression on his face, despite his efforts to hide it. "Did you guys stay up all night or something?"

               "How the hell would we have slept?" Namjoon asked incredulously before storming off upstairs. I gaped at him, I hadn't expected him to react like that. It was different from the normal kind and calm Namjoon.

              "He was just worried, he'll be fine." Jin reassured me. He led me into the kitchen and I sat at a counter stool while he insisted on making me hot chocolate. He made me recount every moment of the night. I knew he had been worried and I felt guilty for keeping them up all night. I recounted everything, even the awkward part about going to Josephine's house. When I was done I expected him to comment on Taehyung or Jungkook but instead he said,

              "Keep your phone on you from now on, okay? I would've come to get you." Jin sat down next to me, handing me a warm mug and holding another one to himself.

               "Okay but what about Tae-"

               "You have to talk to those two about that." Jin said with a slight discomfort but not anger or distaste.

               "What? Why does everyone keep saying that? Do you know information I don't or something?! Why is no one else pissed at them or even the slightest upset?" I felt my frustration building up again.

                "It's not my place to say, Jimin." Jin answer softly and I threw my hands up in disbelief.

                "Unbelievable. I'm going upstairs." I huffed out of growing frustration with the situation. What could those two possibly have to say that would make last night okay?

                 "Jimin, you're not going to walk away from me, especially when you're still in trouble." Jin replied sternly, obviously not up for my childhood antics.

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