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        (Jimin's POV)

         Who won especially didn't matter because as soon as we got to the movie theatre, Mi-Rae declared which movie we would watch. It was for the best anyways, Taehyung and I had choices that were either too inappropriate for the young girl to see or ones that just wouldn't interest her. That's how we ended up watching a movie about horses and the power of friendship.

          "I think I'm losing brain cells." Taehyung whispered to me halfway through the movie. I stifled a laugh but tried to give it some credit.

           "These are some pretty good messages."

           "If she says 'we have to save the ranch' or 'for the ranch!' One more time, I think I'm gonna pass out." Taehyung continued and I laughed just for the little girl next to Mi-Rae to loudly shush me. These kids were serious about their friendship horses.

             When the movie was over, we took Mi-Rae to get ice cream.

             "Mommy said we're ice skating tomorrow! It's gonna be so much fun." She rambled on as we ate. I didn't know how to skate so hopefully I wouldn't be embarrassingly bad.

              Before I knew it, we were home and it was time for bed. I laid back in the dark room, against the cool sheets. I closed my eyes for a moment when a light immediately, woke me up. It was the glare of my phone from an incoming text. It was from Namjoon in the groupchat, asking how everyone was doing. Yoongi complained about his mother making him try all her new recipes, including the nasty ones but he seemed to be enjoying himself despite it. Jungkook sent us a selfie with his dad on a small fishing boat which got a selfie of Jin on a plane to his hometown in response. I smiled at my phone, happy to catch up with them.

                After about 40 minutes, I drifted off to sleep.


            "Jimin! Wake up, we're going to ihop!" A high pitched voice began yelling into my ear. I groaned, opening my eyes to see a face inches from mine. "Cmon, get ready!" Mi-Rae squished my face, making it hard to see. I sat up, causing her to tumble on to the bed in a fit of giggles. I wiped my eyes and realized that Taehyung was standing in the doorway. He had on a black t-shirt and blue pajama pants, his eyes tired and his hair messy. I figured that his sister had dragged him here.

              "Sorry, I wanted to let you sleep more but she's very- demanding." He paused to yawn and I grabbed my phone to look at the time. It was 8am.

               30 minutes later and Taehyung and I were following behind his fathers car. Mi-Rae was in the back seat since she insisted on coming with us instead of riding in the car with her parents and siblings. It was sweet how clingy she was to her older brother. He had to pawn her off to me, just so that he could change in peace. She obviously admired him, I could tell by how the current conversation was going.

               "I like purple, that's definitely my favorite color." Mi-Rae answered, asking Taehyung the same question.

              "Well I think my favorite color is gray, well technically it's not a c-"

               "Oh I like gray too! It's pretty, just like purple. Maybe gray is my favorite!" She answered happily. Whenever Taehyung would say something, it would influence how she felt about it. She had never even seen anime before but apparently she loved it now, simply because Taehyung said he liked it.

Breakfast was as awkward as dinner last night was, in the sense that Geum and Nari only spoke to each other or their parents occasionally, sort of ignoring Taehyung even when he complimented his sister on her soccer tournament last week, which his mother told us about. I was relieved when we left the diner because it was starting to feel tense at the table. The ice skating ring was a nice change of pace. Mrs. Kim finally got her husband to get up and skate which was a sight to see. She was laughing wildly while he was struggling to stay up, the older couple skating extremely slowly, being passed by younger kids at every turn. I was still with Taehyung, outside of the ring, helping Mi-Rae put on her skates. As I waited, I watched as Nari joined a group of girls. She seemed to know them and smiled brightly, maybe she had told them we were coming yesterday? Her group sat off to the side of the ring, occasionally getting up when a song they liked came on. As for Geum, he was already racing with a random group of boys. They both seemed to have good social skills so my idea that they had just been shy yesterday, was proven wrong once again.

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