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(Jimin's POV)

I stormed out of Yoongi's room, feeling irritated with him but that melted away when I saw Hoseok leaning against the wall a few feet away. For a moment I wondered if he had heard our conversation.

"I was looking for you. I was worried when you left like that." He said while standing up straight. At least he didn't hear anything. "You were with Yoongi?" He asked, glancing at the door. I felt nervous. From his side it looked like I blew him off to go be with Yoongi...which I guess was true in a sense.

"Oh I just left for some air and I saw that he was home and decided to say hi." I lied, I smiled awkwardly as he looked at me.

"I can tell you're lying." He said matter a factly and I gulped. How would I get out of this? I thought about the potential of Yoongi's secret getting out as he looked back between me and the door. "If you wanted to spend time with him instead of me you could've just said that." Hoseok said and his eyes flashed a sad emotion but quickly covered it. He didn't sound angry or irritated, just a little hurt. No, he had it all wrong. "I know we're open between the 7 of us, so if you want to spend time with one of the other guys it's not an issue."

"It's not that I didn't want to spend time with you Hoseok..." I started and I didn't know how to finish. I couldn't tell him the truth about why I left him to go see Yoongi.

"You were distracted when we were...getting heated...were you thinking about Yoongi the whole time?" Hoseok asked and I looked at the ground. I had been thinking about Yoongi but not how he thought.


"That's not a no?"


"So you went there to go finish off with Yoongi?-"


"Then what happened?"

"I can't tell you."

"But you were thinking about him when I was touching you..."

"Yeah." I mumbled and looked up at him. I felt badly when Hoseok looked away, he looked hurt. I tried to think of something else to explain myself but I couldn't tell him the truth and I couldn't think of a good lie. "But Hoseok-"

"It's okay." He replied and smiled reassuringly at me even though I could tell I hurt his feelings. I think knowing your 'partner' was thinking about someone else right as you were about to do it would make anyone feel badly. I wanted to reassure him that it wasn't like that but there was no way to do that without exposing Yoongi. "I'm kind of tired so I'm going to take a nap before our flight. Do you need any help getting to your room?" He hadn't been tired before so I knew he was lying. I shook my head and said that I was fine. "Okay then, Goodnight Jimin." He said and tried to mask any discomfort or hurt feelings he had. I wanted to say something but no words came out as he turned and left.

Damn it.

This is all Yoongi's fault. I should've never gotten tangled in his drama. Now I had hurt Hoseok.

Yoongi needs to come clean to everyone sooner rather than later so I can tell Hoseok the truth.

I went back to Jungkook's room. He didn't come back with his dad until it was almost time to head to the airport. He came into the room as I was watching tv.

            "Hey, did you have a fun day with Hoseok and Yoongi?" He beamed, flopping on the bed next to me. He was smiling widely and I figured he must've had a good time with his dad.

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