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(TW sexual assault)

      (Jimin's POV)

        When I woke up, I had a pounding headache. Maybe it was from the stress of last night. I sat up to realize I was now on a bed even though I don't remember ever leaving the ground with Taehyung. Taehyung was sleeping peacefully next to me and when I wiped my eyes, I realized we were still in Yoongi's room. I got up, seeing as Hoseok and Yoongi were gone. The clocks red numerals shined the numbers, 8:30 am.

          I left Taehyung to sleep more and found my way downstairs. I heard voices in the kitchen and decided to follow after that. When I got there, Hoseok and Yoongi were sitting at the table. They stopped talking upon seeing me standing there.

           "What?" I asked, seeing their expressions. Yoongi looked really pissed off but Hoseok looked more nervous and a little disturbed. Before either of them could answer, a voice answered for them.

            "You guys really don't have anything good here, I'm just going to order something from Uber eats."

             I looked over to see Josephine on her phone. Her being here was uncomfortable enough but taking everything in made my eyes widen and then narrow. Her hair was messy but the type of messy that straight guys thought was sexy. But that's not what alarmed me, she was wearing Jungkook's shirt and it almost seemed like she wasn't wearing pants until she shifted a little and I saw that she was in fact wearing shorts. But they were just that, short...extremely so. To the point where I debated if it was underwear. I averted my eyes.

"Uh, you can't walk around our house in your underwear." I said, the annoyance in my voice was very prevalent. "And why are you wearing Jungkook's shirt-"

"My clothes were soaked, remember?" She replied, rolling her words in a way that pissed me off for reasons I couldn't explain. "Plus I slept in Jungkooks room so-"

"You did what?!" Yoongi and I both exclaimed at the same time. I didn't think her staying here meant sleeping in Jungkook's room. We have plenty of guest rooms.

"Yeah." She shrugged as if it was no big deal, moving to tie up her long dark hair into a bun with the rubber band around her wrist. "His bed is really comfy." She smiled before asking if we had coffee and then spotting the coffee maker. I looked at Yoongi incredulously and he had the same shocked expression on his face.

"Guys, we still don't know what she went through." Hoseok whispered lowly, trying to calm us down. "Maybe Jungkook was just being nice by-"

"Nice in his bed?!" I hissed back and then turned around and stomped upstairs. I heard Hoseok try to say something but I didn't hear him as I made my way to Jungkook's room. "Damn Josephine, sleeping in Jungkook's bed, with her legs all on display and her stupid smile and-" I grumbled to myself all the way there and opened the door in a flurry. Jungkook was passed out still, across the couch in his room. At least he didn't sleep in the bed with her. But if she was sleeping here, he could have at least slept downstairs, or in the guest room, or with one of the other guys. I hated the thought of them sleeping in the same room. I stormed over and kicked the couch he was laying on. When he didn't stir, I ripped the pillow from underneath his head and began assaulting him with it. "Wake up!"

"Wh- what the hell-" Jungkook groggily woke up with a start as I continued beating him over the head with his own pillow. He blocked his face with his arms. "Hey, stop!" He grabbed the pillow from me as I huffed, crossing my arms. "What the hell was that about?" He sat up, sleepiness still apparent in his expression.

"Why the hell did she sleep in your bed, why did you sleep in the same room, why is she wearing your clothes, and why is she cruising around the house like she owns the place?!" I bombarded him with questions only for him to rub his face and go,

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