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       (Jimin's POV)

       Hoseok, Jungkook and I kept looking back between Namjoon, Jin, San, and the woman he was with. It was like we were background characters in a ironic tv conflict.

        "I've been fine, and you?" Jin spoke back but he didn't seem like his normal confident self. He seemed shy and maybe even a little embarrassed. He went as far as to side step a little so he was closer to Namjoon's protective presence.

          "Just fine? Has Namjoon not been treating you well?" He joked but only he laughed, Jin grimaced a little. "You remember my sister don't you?" He proudly put his hand on the quiet girls shoulder who smiled shyly.

           "Yes, it's nice to see you again." Namjoon bowed his head slightly. San directed his attention to us and raised an eyebrow at Jungkook.

            "Aren't you in my class? Why are you out with a teacher-"

             "We just ran into them here, and I came to say hi to my favorite teacher." Jungkook lied quickly, smiling to cover it up. I then remembered how Namjoon could possibly lose his job having any kind of outside relationship with students, let alone with 3 between Taehyung, Jungkook and I. "Well we'll leave you guys to it, bye Professor Kim, it was nice seeing you." Jungkook covered everything up well but professor Kim seemed so unnatural coming from his lips. He dragged Hoseok and I away, leaving San alone with Jin and Namjoon. My nosy self wanted to hear the rest of the conversation but we were soon out in the parking lot.

"I wanted to hear." Hoseok moped as we got outside, saying exactly what I was thinking.

"We couldn't risk Namjoon getting caught." Jungkook said but then quickly added, "yeah I wish we could see what was happening too." We waited by the car since we didn't have the keys, I assumed Taehyung had them still and my suspicion was confirmed when he and Yoongi came out of the theatre and the keys dangled from his fingers.

"Did y'all see-" Taehyung began as he got near us, glancing back at the theatre.

"Yeah, did they look like they were arguing?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No but Namjoon looked stiff and uncomfortable." Taehyung answered while Yoongi grabbed the keys from him, obviously feeling a little impatient as we were standing outside talking. When he opened the door all thoughts of the new professor left my mind.

"Why is this seat down?" Yoongi turned back to us and my face burned.

"I swear it wasn't like that when we left?" Hoseok looked quizzically. How had I not thought to put the seat back up?! Oh maybe because I was too busy freaking out about accidentally saying the L word. Jungkook looked at the reclined seat and then back at us.

"Uh i had to get something from the car-" Taehyung tried to say and I knew he wasn't embarrassed at all to say what happened but was trying to spare me from feeling uncomfortable. Even though we were all intimate in that way it was still embarrassing for me to acknowledge what I did with one person to the others, especially since it had been in the car!

"Did you guys do it in here?" Jungkook asked, cutting Taehyung off.

"I'm not getting into that car then." Yoongi huffed as my face went even redder. This was beyond embarrassing, now they all knew what Taehyung and I had been doing while they were watching a movie. I shifted behind Taehyung to let him deal with the blunt of that conversation.

"Yoongi don't act like you didn't fuck in Namjoon's car before." Hoseok scoffed, getting in. He obviously didn't want me to feel badly about the situation and I couldn't help but snort a little at the exposing of Yoongi. Yoongi grumbled before getting in, muttering things that didn't make sense since I didn't hear everything like 'jimin, fucked, Hoseok, annoying, lock them all away.'

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