It was you all along!

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| The first words that your soulmate will ever say to you tattooed on yourself once you turn 13. |

Sitting in the living room at Wayne Manor, Wally, Roy, and Dick were playing video games. They were waiting until the big 12 o'clock hit, for it was going to be Wally's 13th birthday.

"What do you think my words are gonna say?" He asked.

Roy snorted followed by Dick's response, "you're an idiot."

".. Are you calling me an idiot or are you saying my soulmate's calling me an idiot?"

"Both," chuckled Roy.

Done 15 years old and he already had his words scrawled on his back. Apparently, he already met them, but he refuses to tell who she was. 

The words, "nice hat Carrot Top," in all it's cursive glory.

The other's had laughed, Wally exclaiming that at least it wasn't him.

The chiming of the bell signaled midnight and Wally soon let out a gasp. 

He pulled up his shirt, the other two watching the neat cursive writing form on his chest.

"Dude, I know."

Wally was speechless before screaming, "that's it?!"

"Sorry Wals," Dick said, "not all of our words can be as special as RoyBoy's."

The older redhead growled, "shut up."

Wally was slightly disappointed that that was all, but he hid it well behind a smile. 

"They're probably admitting to how hot I am."

Robin cackled, "whatever helps you sleep at night KF."


2 years later

Again, Dick, Wally, and Roy were huddled in the living room at Wayne Manor. All of them, again, waiting for midnight to hit. It was time for the youngest of the trio to get his words.

Wally still had yet to meet his soulmate, which left him slightly upset, but Dick was there to cheer him up. 

"Dude!" Wally exclaimed, "this is taking forever!"

"Shut up Wally, we only have about 5-10 minutes left," responded Roy.

"I'm honestly shocked that you decided to even show up Roy. After what happened with-"

"We don't mention that day Wally."

"Come on! That was the best day of our lives. I like her Roy! You should have introduced us to her a long time ago!" Dick butted in with a cackle.

"And she's super hot," Wally interjected, "score!"


The rest of the conversation was forgotten when the chime of the bell echoed. Both redheads looked at the ebony who was looking at his arm... Which was covered.

"Dude," started Wally, "let us see the words on your arm."

Snapping himself out of his daze he turned to them, "I'm going to look at it first. Then I'll let you two see it, ok?"

Wally was extremely disappointed, "what!? Dude, that's so uncool."

Roy smacked him upside the head, "shut up Wals. You were excited to get your words and show them to the world. If Dick wants to see it first, then let him."

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