What's Yours Is Mine

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| Someone keeps stealing Wally's shirts and frankly he's had enough!

Wally was struggling!
He was running around his room looking for his favorite shirt!
It wasn't in his closet, dresser, hamper, and it wasn't on the floor.
This has been happening for the past 2 weeks. Someone was stealing his shirts and not returning them.
Sitting down on his bed with a plop he started thinking of who the possible culprit could be.

It couldn't be Kaldur, he wouldn't be able to fit. The same could go for Conner.

Artemis wouldn't be caught dead in his clothes. Not that he'd want her to wear his clothes, but she'd rather wear pink than his stuff.

Heaven forbid it be M'gann. Wally doesn't think he would be able to breathe if it was M'gann. But sadly she's too nice and was dating Conner. So she'd probably steal his shirts before his.

That only left Robin...
How could he be so stupid!?

Getting up from his bed and running out of his room, still shirtless, he ran straight to the training room. He knew Robin would be here, but he didn't expect the rest of the team, minus Kaldur, to be in there.

"Hey, Rob!" He yelled out to the stretching bird.

Rob turned around, causing his body to go into an awkward angle. "Yea KF?"

"Where are my shirts?"

Robin smiled, "what do you mean? Why would I have your shirts?"

Wally got a thoughtful expression on his face. "Either because my style is obviously better than yours, they're comfy to wear and sleep in, or you love me so much that you want something of mine to remind you of me whenever your away from me."

Robin's face went red while the team laughed. He smirked, still red-faced, "and what if it's true?"

Wally's laughter died in his throat when his mind processed Robin's words. "Then I'd say if you needed clothing advice you could've just asked."

Robin got a dangerous glint in his eyes, "that's not what I was talking about dude."

Wally feigned confusion before smiling, "Oh! Then they're comfy to sleep in. Dude if you didn't wear rich boy clothes all the time then you might be comfy too."

Robin gave an upset look, "are you really that dense?"

Wally dawned an offensive look on his face. "Hey, it's not my fault that you have a reputation in bed to keep up!"
He smirked at Robin's tomato colored face.

The team looked on in confusion at the last statement while Robin scoffed.
"At least I have a reputation, unlike someone.. Even if it is a rumor." By the end, he was mumbling, embarrassed by what the people were saying about him.

"Are they really though? I mean, remember when me and you shared a bed?"

The team gasped, Artemis stuttering in the back before exploding. "Can you guys please quit talking about your guys' sex life?!"

Wally looked over in confusion, "sex life? When did we mention anything about our sex life? We are discussing Robin stealing my clothes and how he has a reputation of the world's best cuddler!"

The team glanced back and forth between Wally's smirking face to Robin's blushing face.

"Ok, whatever you say Baywatch. We're going to go get something to eat in town. Feel free to join us if you two aren't busy." With a wink from Artemis, her, M'gann, and Conner walked out of the mountain.

Wally and Robin stood there for a few seconds before Robin mumbled out, "you're an idiot."

Stalking out of the room, with Wally hot on his trail, they entered his room.

Robin fell on his bed with a groan, grabbing his pillow and putting it over his head to let out another groan.

Seconds later the pillow was lifted from his face and he was met with a sheepish, and still shirtless, Wally.

"Dude, go put a shirt on."

Wally gave him a deadpan look, "I would if all my shirts weren't stolen."

Robin glared, before throwing a pillow at him. Wally chuckled at the glaring Robin.

"Ok, ok. On a serious note, I'm sorry about what happened in the training room. I might have taken it a bit too far in there."

Robin growled, "you think. All I was trying to do was finally confess to you. But you went and made the entire team think I sleep around. And with you especially!"

"Hey! That's not a bad thing! I'll have you know I'm great in bed! And Robin, I know you were trying to confess." Robin sputtered before Wally interrupted him. "You're not exactly subtle. But on a completely unrelated note, does that mean I can return the favor?"

"Return the fav-"

With a gust of wind, Wally ran into Robin's closet, then back out, wearing one of Robin's shirts.

The shirt was ridiculously small on him that it went just a bit above his belly button. Since when did he have a growth spurt?

"Dude, no."

Wally pouted, "but you said that you steal my clothes cause you love me. So I'm returning the favor. Now let's go! I'm hungry and the team is waiting."

Robin laughed, "Wally, you're not wearing my shirt! It's too small and you look ridiculous! Here."

He walked over towards his dresser and pulled out Wally's Robin shirt. Throwing it toward the ginger with a smirk, he reached back in and pulled out another one of Wally's shirts. This one was a Kid Flash shirt.

Switching from one shirt to another he turned to see Wally just staring at him still in his too-small shirt.

"Dude.." Started Wally, "out of all the times you stole my shirts I have never seen you wear them.. You look good in my clothes better than I do."

Robin walked by with a chuckle, patting Wally on the back. "I know KF. I know."

Walking out of his room, he felt the wind against his back before Wally sped beside him and grabbed his hand with his Robin shirt on.

"So, does this mean you'll be my boyfriend?" Wally asked nonchalantly.

Robin smirked, "as long I get to continue stealing your shirts, then yes."

Wally groaned, "Dude!"

"Hey! Ever heard of the saying 'what's mine is yours and what's yours is ours?'"

Wally gave a perplexed look, "no."

Robin continued like he hadn't said anything, "good, cause in this case it's 'what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine.'"

Wally looked to the ceiling with another groan while Robin cackled, "then I need to go clothes shopping."

But that didn't stop the fond smile making its way to his face while Robin continued to laugh.

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