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Robin was in pain. But Wally couldn't touch him. It was too painful for both of them. And the fact that Robin was practically on his deathbed. They'd just have to wait until the team got there. Wally had the excuse that he was too weak to carry them already on the tip of his tongue when they contacted them.

'Kid Flash, you and Robin must get out of there now. There's been a bomb planted on the floor below you.' Aqualad commanded.

The excuse died on Kid Flash's lips... Mind? 'Me and Robin are severely injured. I might not even be able to make it... But I'll try.'

'That's all you can do,' was Aqualad's saddened reply.

He glances at Robin's broken and unconscious form. "I'm so sorry, Rob.."

Leaning down, Kid Flash took ahold of Robin before gently picking him up. Grunting in pain, he ran for the nearest exit. Making it to the bottom floor, he rushed to the door, but before stepping out, the building exploded, throwing him and Robin to the outside world.

Landing a few meters away, Wally lay there panting with Robin clutched tightly to his chest. Glancing down, he had a distinct feeling that something was wrong. 

And why did he have to be right? He was never right. Looking at Robin's cold, sweaty skin and rapid, irregular breathing, he had the decency to let go and back up. Instantly taking notice of the signs of shock.

Looking at Robin's burnt and melted skin from the explosion, he couldn't even bring it in him to look at the scars caused by him. The piercing pain and burning sensation caused by a single touch from one another. It won't be the job that'll kill them.

It'll be each other.

'Guys,' contacted Wally, 'I can't continue. You'll have to find us and fast. I think Robs going into shock.'

'We are on our way. What are your conditions?' asked Aqualad.

'Robs burnt from the explosion, and so am I. I took most of the brunt, but... There's still a bit of melted skin on Rob... There's blood everywhere. H-he lied. He wasn't healed from the last mission Aqualad.'

The silence was all that was heard except Artemis's cussing in the background before Aqualad spoke again. 'We are near your guys' location. Hold on a bit longer.'

Glancing up, he saw the team approaching, Superboy gently picking up Robin before he felt himself being lifted by Aqualad. 

Hissing, he couldn't help but let his eyes stray to Rob, hoping he'd live. He distinctly heard his teammates telling them they'll be ok, but it just went in one ear and out the other before letting his eyes slowly close.


Robin woke to the sound of beeping and slowly opened his eyes. He quickly reached up to secure that his mask was still in place and heard someone chuckle beside him. 

"The team knows your identity, remember?" He looks over to see Wally sitting in the seat beside his bed, hand laying beside his, but not touching. 

"How long was I out?" He asked, ignoring the sad look on Wally's face. 

"Two days," Wally answered, and Robin looked over in alarm. Why hasn't Batman come and got him yet?

"Bats knew we would all be worried sick and didn't want to deal with all of us in the Batcave." A smirk fell on his lips, "he was right and, for once, didn't try and fight us. But we all are extremely worried and angry at you, Rob."

Robin looked away, shame coating his face. He knew the scolding would come. He just thought it would have been from Batman or Aqualad. Not Kid Flash. Not Wally, his best friend. Man, what Rob wouldn't give for either of the other two to walk through that door. 

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