My Enemy

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| Soulmate AU where everyone has one name on each wrist. One is your soulmate, while the other is your enemy, but you don't know which one is which. Once you defeat your enemy the name will disappear. But the name of your soulmate will stay forever. |

Dick Grayson always knew who his soulmate was. There was no guessing to it, he just knew. Ever since his parents fell and later on got adopted by The Batman, became Robin, and defeated Tony Zucco, there was only one name left on his wrist.

Wallace West.


Learning that the new sidekick to The Flash was his age and after doing some background check and figuring out it's him.. Well, he was over the moon.

He begged and begged Batman to let them meet, but Batman was nothing but stubborn. Explaining how Flash's were a nuisance.

But of course, Batman didn't know the real reason in him wanting to meet the younger Flash.. At least he thought he didn't know.

After a year of begging he was finally able to meet up with the youngest Flash. 


Sitting on top of WayneCorp (seriously, how obvious can you get?), both Batman and Robin were waiting for the Scarlet Speedster and his sidekick to arrive. 

Pacing with nerves, Robin had a huge decision to make. 
1.) Tell Kid Flash his identity and about them being soulmates.
Or 2.) Wait until he figures it out on his own.

But that could take forever, but what if Kid Flash got mad at him for checking his background info when he told him? Or what if he gets mad at not being told at all?

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a strong gust of wind blowing his cape over his head.

A laugh had him turning around so fast he could have sworn he got whiplash. 

"Haha! Sorry, I honestly didn't mean to do that." A redhead, green-eyed boy was the one who spoke. Grinning he sped back over towards Robin, a bashful smile on his face. "I'm Kid Flash," he stuck out his hand for a shake, which took Robin a bit longer to respond to.


"Dude I know! This is awesome! You're like.. one of the best superheroes in the world! Well, actually Flash is the best superhero in the world. But you're a close second!"

Granted, Robin only got half of the words he was saying but was smart enough to translate. Cackling, he responded, "slow down KF. I can barely understand you."

The other stopped, a blush creeping onto his face before a confused expression took over. "KF?" He questioned.

"Yea.. Ya know? Short for Kid Flash."

A grin split his face before he started nodding enthusiastically, "yea! Okay. Got it, Rob."

They both chatted all night, beating up a few bad guys here and there, but other than that Flash and Batman took care of everything. Letting their partners get to know each other.

On their way back to the Batcave Robin finally realized that he didn't tell Wally.

'Maybe later,' he thought.


That was years ago, and now on a team full of superheroes, as he watched Wally kiss Artemis on New Years.. He was crushed.

Apparently, they knew they were each other's soulmate since the first mission they had together. They just kept it hidden until they were ready.

So, Robin kissed Zatanna. It was all he could do from stopping himself from crying out. 

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