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| Someone switched all the sugar in the house to SALT!

It was now or never.
Glancing over at the clock it read 7:20.
Glancing over at his husband, Wally silently slipped out of bed, making sure to not let it squeak.

Shuffling out the door he crept along towards the kitchen.
Flipping the switch on he glanced around the spotless kitchen.
Honestly, Dick and his OCD was getting out of control.
He'll need a tape measure or something so Dick won't notice the most tiniest thing moved!

Creeping toward the drawer with their random supplies, he starts rummaging through it before finding the measuring tape.

He was shocked that Dick left this drawer untouched, but enough about that.

Walking toward the cabinet where they held the sugar, he went at it slowly. Measuring the distance from the item to the edge, making sure to remember the exact distance.

Going and grabbing the extra salt he had bought late last night he walked back towards the sugar. Reaching below him he grabbed an empty Tupperware, he instantly started filling the salt in it.

Going through 2 full packs of salt he was finally done. Swapping the lids he went back to the cabinet, placing the now salt-filled Tupperware in the place of the sugar. Grabbing the measuring tape he made sure it was the same distance while simultaneously tilting it the exact angle it was before.

Going and grabbing the sugar he hurried up to hide it somewhere but froze midstep when he heard shuffling from the bedroom.

He glanced at the clock noticing it read 8:00 before panicking.
That's when Dick got up!

Grabbing a pillow and blanket he flung the sugar under the pillow before placing the blanket over top of it.

Just as he was standing back up Dick was leaning over the couch watching him.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked in a deep gruff voice. Sleep still evident in his voice.

"Umm.. I was fixing the couch.. Yea, I woke up early for once and decided to watch tv. I was fixing the couch up from where I laid on it." Wally explained with a stutter.

Dick glances at the tv, evidently turned off, before glancing back at Wally with a raised eyebrow.

Wally chuckled, scratching the nape of his neck before instantly stopping.
"Yea, I already turned it off."

"I see..." With a slight smirk, he walked off towards the kitchen. Wally watching his every move as he goes through his daily routine of making coffee.

"Do you want some coffee?" He yelled from the kitchen.


He continued about, pouring 2 mugs once the coffee was finished.

Handing Wally his black coffee, who has walked over to the table at this point, before attending to his.

Opening the refrigerator he pulled out the milk, pouring about two teaspoons.

Wally snorted in his milk while Dick reached to get the sugar.

Glancing over with a glare, Wally straightened up with an innocent expression on his face.

"What?" Dick asked albeit a bit disturbed.

"Nothing," Wally replied, making his eyes wide as they can go. Trying to give off that innocent look.

Huffing he went back to dumping about 4 cups of "sugar" in his coffee.

Wally was trying not to snort in his coffee when he saw Dick bring the drink to his mouth.

The moment he took the first sip Wally busted out laughing. Spraying coffee out of his nose.

Laughing for another minute he soon realized that Dick was not cussing profanities like he should have.

Glancing up he saw Dick still drinking his coffee with an eyebrow raised before chugging the rest down in one gulp.

With a satisfied sigh, Dick put his drink down and giving Wally a big smile.

Wally sputtered, "d-dude! That was salt!"

Dick again raised an eyebrow, "I know." Before walking out of the kitchen towards the living room.

Wally watched him reach under the pillow before pulling out the sugar and going back to the cabinet. Placing it in its original spot be took the salt and placed it on the counter.

Giving Wally one last smile he walked towards their room and shut the door behind him.

Wally sat there in stunned silence before muttering to himself, "I'm dating a psychopath."

"Dang right you are! Now get in here NOW!" Commanded Dick from the room.

Wally glanced at the still-closed door before looking into his coffee, "and I'm slightly turned on by said psychopath."


"Coming!" He chugged the rest of his coffee down before running towards the door.

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