A Soulmate? (Part 3)

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Kid Flash and Robin soon fell into a routine of sorts. Robin would wake up early before everyone, except Rob, who seemed to never sleep and give him knowing looks. 

Him and Kid Flash, or Wally, as he insisted on being called when they were alone, even when being heroes, would visit at this little cafe. Robin, or Dick, would always get a black coffee, and a little muffin. Wally would order practically everything and on some occasions, he'd try and buy the couple drinks with two straws.

He was left to drink it all by himself though. 

The first few times Wally felt bad for having him pay. He'd tried to pay a couple of times, but Dick would give him the biggest bat glare that he was positive the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees.

At the most, they sometimes agreed to split the bill. 

Robin was sitting at their usual table, waiting for Wally. Apparently Wally had stopped in early to pay for his black coffee and muffin. Having written on the cup that he'd be right back. 

A few minutes later and a gust of wind hit him, a smiling redhead sitting across from him.

He goes to scold him for using his speed in civilian clothes before he got a good whiff of the air.

Plugging up his nose he spoke, "dude you reek!" 

Wally gave him an offended look, "really? I took like 3 showers!" 

"Well, you need to take 3 more."

A flirtatious smile made it's way to his face, "will you join me?"

Dick didn't even hesitate, "not smelling like that, I won't."

Wally pouted, before smiling again, "so if I didn't smell like this you would join me?"



"Shut up and go take a shower."

He sulked a bit before scooting out of his seat. Before Dick could protest Wally had done dragged him out of his seat and ran him all the way to his place.

"Wally, I told you I'm not taking a shower with you!" He protested, but the smile on his face gave away that he wasn't really mad at being dragged from his coffee.

"I know, but I couldn't leave you sitting there all alone." He pointed out, "wait here."

He rushed to the bathroom and Dick heard the shower cutting on, he decided to explore a bit.

It was a moderately small one-bedroom apartment, obviously just moved into because some things were still in boxes.

At least he had the living room set up. A couch set up in the middle, a love-seat sat to the left at an angle from the wall, pointing where he guess the TV was supposed to be. 
On the other side of the couch was a little table and a recliner.

Set in the center of it all was a little coffee table, paperwork from college classes littered the surface.

The kitchen was set to the right of the living room. All that was set up at the moment was a dining table, everything else still in boxes.

The hallway wasn't even a hallway, their was a closet, a bathroom, and across from what he could only assume was Wally's room. 

He shouldn't peak, but curiosity got the better of him. Opening the door he saw a nice queen-sized mattress placed on the floor, blankets and pillows thrown on top of it. Beside it sat a bed frame still in its box.

A few clothes were hanging in the closet, but he had yet to place a dresser in there.

He turns around, having every intent on going back to the living room when he ran into a solid, firm, and wet chest. 

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