Remember Me

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| Two lovers beat all odds and continue to find each other even after death do them part. They have been deemed as soulmates from others, which is exactly what they were. 


A man, rushing through the temples didn't even stop for pause when crashing into someone. The items the other was carrying were scattered everywhere and he was on his hands and knees picking it up.

"I am so sorry," The man spoke in a quiet voice.

He looked down with disdain, ready to walk away when the other looked up at him. Bright green eyes stared up at him in astonishment and fear. Bags under his eyes, most likely from lack of sleep. 

But what gave him pause was the deep red hair matted to his forehead. Sweat seemingly to have appeared under the scrutinizing eyes of the other. 

Redheads were very rare, but great slaves. Bidded higher than the others because of their rarity. He's never seen him here before. Were guests visiting and thought it appropriate to bring one of their slaves? 

Lost in thought he didn't notice the young redhead picking himself up, items carefully placed in his arms until he gave a distinct bow in his direction. 

"Who are you?" He finally questioned.

"Akane" he answered hesitantly, "and your emperor Augustus."

"That's right, I am."

The man seemed to hesitate over his next words.

"Spit it out," he ordered.

Akane gave a short jerk before responding, "I do believe your father was the one that bought me. I was told to take these to my new room and to meet up with him and his son-you, I mean."

Augustus was silent for a moment before giving a nod. "Where is your room located?"

"The bottom half is what I was told?"

Augustus looked around, spotting a servant, "you! Take these items to one of the rooms in the bottom half."

She gave a jump, but the items were soon out of his hands and she was scurrying down the hall.

"Follow me," he ordered, Akane following close behind.


What appeared to be hours later, but simply a few minutes, Akane and Augustus were left alone. 

"So, I'm guessing you'll be my new slave then?"

"Yes, I suppose so..." Akane was wringing his hands together in a tight gesture. 

Augustus reached over and separated them, "you'll hurt yourself if you continue doing that. And you won't be my slave. Around the others maybe, but with me no. My best friend was a redhead and was shipped off."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It was a long time ago." A silence fell before Augustus interrupted, "go get freshen up and rest. I'll tell father that you will start your duties tomorrow."

"Th-thank you!" He rushed out shocked. 

"Do not thank me. You! Take him to his room and freshen him up."

A young girl came over, bowed, then proceeded to take Akane away.


Many Years Later

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