Ask your OTP!!!

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| Basically what the title says. |

Who takes amazing photos of their partner when their partner is excited about something new?
Wally, because it's rare seeing Dick get excited about something. 

Who is sun tanning while the other playfully throws a water balloon at them?
Dick is sun tanning while Wally throws a water balloon on him... And then proceeds to sleep on the couch for a week begging Dick for forgiveness.

Where was their first kiss? Who kissed Who?
At a Comicon convention. They went dressed as each other and entered the costume contest. They won for the cutest couple because everyone thought they were together when really they were just "really good friends." But on stage, Dick kissed Wally and the crowd went wild while Wally was left a blushing mess for the rest of the day.

Would they ever wear matching outfits in public?
They have... Multiple times.

Who wears the other's clothes on a daily?
Dick wears Wally's clothes constantly because they're comfortable and always smells like him.

Who is sleepy in the morning and who gives the other kisses all over their face?
Wally is always tired in the morning while Dick is an early bird. He proceeds to wake Wally up with kisses or the smell of food. He complains, but he actually doesn't mind being woken up like that.

Who loves to hold their partner against their chest?
Wally loves to hold Dick, especially since he was so much smaller than him when they were younger. Even when they grew up it's just always been like that.

Who kisses their partner's hand as a reassurance that everything is going to be ok?
Wally kisses Dick's hand because he knows how exhausted he is and tries to get him to relax or calm down.

Who picks up the other and twirls them around just to see their partner giggle?
Wally loves spinning Dick around and making him smile and laugh. He loves his laugh and Dick loves the feel of being in the air and being in his arms.

Who loves to surprise their partner by going up behind them for a hug before kissing them?
Dick because Wally always lets out the cutest squeak. Wally tried to do it to Dick once, but Dick judo flipped him and he decided to never do that again.

Who worries about what they will look like when they get older?
Wally, because he has an image to maintain! Dick doesn't care because he knows he'll always look good no matter how old he'll get.

Who hogs the blanket?
Neither, Wally is already a human heater. If anything the blankets are on the floor.

Who eats the other's uneaten pizza crust?
Wally, duh.

Who talks smack while playing video games?
To be honest, they both do, but Dick is better at it than Wally.

Who sings along with the radio?
Dick does and Wally is perfectly content with being quiet for once to hear that beautiful voice.

Who would throw the other into a pool?
Wally and he'll yet again be sleeping on the couch.

Who shops for groceries?
Definitely Dick.

Who kills the spiders?
.. Roy... Neither Dick nor Wally does it.

Who is the morning/night person?
Dick is both the night person and the morning person. Wally secretly thinks he's a vampire and Dick and the entire Batfamily knows about this and goes along with it.

Who's the messiest one?
Wally and it drives Dick INSANE!

Who's better with kids?
Both are fairly good with kids since Wally wants a big family and Dick just wants to make Wally happy.

Who's the one that fixes things around the house?
Dick, because he doesn't trust Wally. So what, he somehow caused an explosion in the guest bedroom when he was supposed to be fixing a lightbulb. It was for SCIENCE!

Who's got the weirdest hobbies?
Dick, obviously.

Who cooks and who cleans?
Wally cooks while Dick cleans.

Who usually has nightmares?
Dick, but Wally is always there for him.

Who is scared of thunderstorms?
Wally is ever since he recreated the Flash experiment.

Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/Who sleeps in their pajamas?
Wally almost always sleeps in his underwear, hardly ever in the nude. Dick always sleeps in pajamas, unless he wants to be able to feel Wally then he'll sleep in his underwear.

Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other?
Dick does and Wally HATES it!

Who has a better fashion sense?
Dick does and Wally loves it.

Wally proposes... After the Batfamily threatens him to not hurt Dick's heart.


Which one says, "I'm at soup," and which one screams, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE AT SOUP!?"

Wally would be the one who says he's at soup while Dick screams the other half... Unless Dick is very sleep deprived and decides to go grocery shopping at 2 in the morning again.

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