My King (Part Six)

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Days later there were only 3 competitors left. Barbara, Wally, and a blonde named Ashlyn. Wally doesn't think he's ever seen her, but he's never really paid much attention to the other girls in the first place. 

They were waiting outside for King Richard and Bruce, who finally walked outside. 

"Today will be a personal task," stated Richard. Bruce still would not look his son in the eyes after finding out what the test was. Nor did he look in Wally's direction ever again unless it was to sneer in disgust. 

"I've always had a fascination with the moving circuses. Especially the acrobats. I have taken the time to even teach myself these tricks with the help of a lovely couple, Mary and John Grayson."

Wally saw Dick get emotional over their names. He's heard the story before. Held Dick while he cried himself to sleep. Let him rest against his shoulder. He couldn't help but wish to go up there and hold him again. 

"They died when I was 9, but I never stopped. I have come to learn and cherish the things they have taught me. Not just acrobatics of course. Each one will practice with me personally. I'll be the judge on how well your performance will be. Is that clear?"

They each nodded their head and Richard pulled a name out of a box. Opening it he blanched, "Barbara."

She sent a smug look towards Wally before sauntering up to Dick, placing a hand on his chest. 

"Just like old times, Dick," she purred.

Bruce chuckled, "remember there are others here. Don't get to carried away."

With a roll of his eyes, Dick walked over towards the mats and started stretching. Barbara joined him and together they helped each other stretch. 

They pulled complicated moves on one another, moves that screamed sexual to him, and apparently to everyone else for they averted their gaze. 

Moves that Dick didn't bother teaching him.. But of course, he was a beginner. 

"Begin," called off Bruce, snapping Wally out of his thoughts.

They both started off with multiple backflips, both in perfect sync. Before coming back with a couple of cartwheels. 

Dick squatted down and cupped his hands together. Barbara placed her foot in the center and jumped off. Dick hoisting her in the air. She grabbed onto a high bar that got higher and higher. 

Twirling around a few times she let go and swung to the higher bar. Dick who was right behind her caught up and they were now side by side swinging in sync once more. 

Dick let go and landed on the highest bar, and turned himself around so that now he was facing Barbara. 

She let go and grabbed onto his outstretched hand, while he used the momentum to practically throw her over the bar. She did about two flips before landing on the highest bar, hands over her head.

Richard had jumped down and was looking up at her with a sort of awed expression.

She looked down and smiled, before falling backward, Richard there to catch her.

"And you said I was out of practice."

She jumped out of his arms before walking towards the rest of the competitors. She smiled a breathtaking smile, before getting back in line, accepting the drink offered to her.

Richard, still at a slight awe, slowly pulled out the next name.


'Why did he stutter?'

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