"When?" Lisa asked. "I don't remember."

"During homeroom," Jisoo told her for what was probably the fourth time since she'd come inside.

"You managed to scare the crap out of everyone," Chaeyoung said casually. "Good job." She added jestingly.

"I have a really bad headache," Lisa noted, closing her eyes again and rubbing at her temple soothingly.

"That's because you had a seizure," Amy told her one again.

"I know I had a seizure." Lisa said somewhat annoyed. She opened her eyes to look at her mom.

"You do?" Amy asked her surprised.

"Yes," Lisa replied, "Of course I do, you just told me two minutes ago." Lisa glanced around the room and noted the stunned expressions on everyone's face. "I know my memory is bad since the accident but it's not that bad."

"Huh," Amy said, "I think I should probably get your doctor to come and see you." She finished, standing from where she sat on the edge of Lisa's bed and disappearing through the door. A few minutes later Lisa's mom returned, the same doctor Chaeyoung had seen her talking to earlier in tow. The doctor reviewed Lisa thoroughly, asking her questions about her name, date of birth and whether she knew what day and date it was. He informed the assembled group that Lisa was coming out of her postictal state and that once her medication was ready she'd be able to go home.

"Thank God," Lisa said in response. "I just want to go to sleep in my own bed. I'm so exhausted." The doctor smiled at her momentarily before excusing himself and disappearing into the crowded hospital hallway to review another patient. Chaeyoung turned to look at Lisa after watching the doctor leave and noticed her pushing her tongue firmly into her cheek, wincing as she did so. She stuck it out, trying her hardest to catch a glimpse of it but failing miserably.

"My tongue really hurts," Lisa noted finally giving up.

"It probably will for a while," Amy told her. "You managed to bite a massive chunk out of it."

"Ouch," Lisa said, "That's kind of gross." Chaeyoung, Jisoo and Somi laughed at her, Jisoo elbowing her gently in the rib.

"Yeah well you are kind of gross." Jisoo told her still chuckling.

"Why is everyone laughing?" Lisa asked her.

"Well," Jisoo started. "It's just nice to be able to have an actual conversation with you for a change." Lisa looked at Jisoo questioningly. "You've pretty much been repeating yourself since you came around." Jisoo informed her.

"What did I say?" Lisa asked panicked. "Was it embarrassing? Was it rude?"

"Extremely," Jisoo teased her.

"Oh god," Lisa replied looking at the others in the room. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was saying...I hope I didn't offend any of you."

"Don't worry Lalisa," Chaeyoung said punching Jisoo lightly on the arm. "She's messing with you."

"Really?" Lisa asked stricken. "You promise?"

"I promise," Chaeyoung told her. "Jisoo's only just got here." Lisa visibly relaxed at Chaeyoung's words and she felt herself smile happily that she was able to help with that.

Together the five of them waited until Lisa's discharge papers and medication were ready. Once the nurse had bought them to Lisa's mom, explaining the dosage for her medication, Lisa got dressed in the bathroom and the girls' helped her into a wheelchair. Together they transported Lisa down to the hospital entrance, Chaeyoung pushing the wheelchair whilst Somi and Jisoo walked alongside it, talking animatedly. They helped Lisa to her mom's car and waved as it pulled out of the parking lot to take her home. Before leaving, Amy had kindly asked Somi, Jisoo and Chaeyoung to let Lisa to spend the rest of the day recuperating, but, she had told them that they were more than welcome to call her later to check in or come around tomorrow after school if they wanted. After they'd watched the car round the corner and disappear out of sight the girls' made their way back to Chaeyoung's car and got in, debating what to do next.

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