The Beginning

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It's the beginning of the school year, the sun still staying in the sky late into the evening, and temperatures still quite high, even at nighttime. The students of Maglins school of magic were all busy at work, adjusting to their new class schedules after having a few months off from class work.

Pipher, a second year student was in his dormitory, busy at work with his new workload, trying to stay on top of it all.

The sun was now down, unable to be seen from any of the castle windows, it was past nine in the evening or so.

As Pipher worked, he heard a noise from outside of his door.

"What are you doing!" a voice screeched from down the corridor, followed by a loud thud and some chuckling.

Pipher was carefully inspecting an old schoolbook on the shelf in the dormitory. Suddenly he placed the book on his creaky old wooden chair and opened the small door. The corridor was unusually dark, containing lanterns and candles that lit the hallway. He peered out and saw a figure running in fear towards him, so he shut the door carefully, making sure it didn't make any noise. He twisted the lock and returned towards his side of the room where he was standing before.

Loud noises like that weren't particularly a normal occurrence, but from time to time students liked to play pranks or scare each other. Most didn't happen at night though.

"That was so peculiar," Pipher thought to himself, "What was that all about?" and "Who was up causing ruckus at this hour?" These types of questions flooded his mind as he picked up the book again to begin reading.

Pipher was a good student who loved reading, so he got to reading the chapter his professor assigned earlier that day. Soon he began losing himself in the textbook and answering the assigned questions.

Everybody at the school had the option of early schooling that went from 7 am-2 pm, which was what Pipher chose, and 2 pm-9 pm which was what his roommate Charles chose. The two were close friends, but due to their schedules being complete opposites, they only got to talk on weekends other than the occasional 9 pm chat.

Charles was an exceptional student as well, but occasionally he would end up getting in trouble. Last year, in both of their first years, only a month into school, Charles had already gotten sent to the headmaster's office three times.

Pipher sat down in the noisy chair, leaned back, put his feet on the edge of his bed, pulled the book onto his lap, and began reading. Both Charles and Pipher were placed in higher-level classes due to their smarts and in the mix, Pipher was placed into mostly advanced  classes, causing high amounts of stress. This made their workload heavy and often led to the two spending hours everyday or pulling all-nighters just to maintain the grades they cherished so heavily.

Just then, there was a light, faint knock at the door. The noise gave Pipher a startle but looking at the time, he assumed it was Charles getting back from his classes. Carefully, Pipher placed his one hand on the door frame and the other on the handle, opening the door. He swung open the door to see one of his classmates, Anna standing in front of the opening.

"Mind if I come in? I have something to talk to you about and I think you'd be just the right person," Anna said in a friendly tone.

"Of course, you can. Sit right here," Pipher said, pointing to the other chair. He pulled his chair toward the center of the room and gave her a hand signal to move the other one too.

She seemed very awkward or uncomfortable.

"So I was out walking through town and I saw Charlotte holding hands and walking with Frankie. They were getting a bite to eat and stopped at the bookstore as well. Charlotte and I have had a bumpy relationship lately and I want to try and blackmail her with it," Anna said anxiously.

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