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Pipher Green

December 19th

Lucy and I had gotten closer over the last few months. We went from seeing each other whenever I needed help on my assignments to spending almost every minute of every day together.

We made sure to have our alone time whenever we felt as though we needed it, but our presence comforted each other. When we decided to tell everybody else who's in our friend group, they congratulated us and were really happy with it.

If the six of us last in our current relationships, we could all be high school sweethearts even though Maglins isn't technically high school.

Lucy and I decided to begin our relationship on December 12th which we agreed on because the date looks pretty.

Christmas has been rapidly approaching and last week we had the festivities as the end of this week is Christmas. Tonight was the night of the feast before we're allowed to leave for Christmas break.

The Christmas writing contest had come around and I submitted a story that will hopefully get me another first place trophy or at least one of the trophies.

I needed to fill up the bookcase with awards galore.

I had asked my parents if I could spend Christmas with Lucy and they agreed, but my mom sent me a package for Christmas.

It was an outfit to wear, how surprising.

I was grateful for it and convinced myself that I'll wear it for Christmas.

I think the only reason my parents agreed to let me stay with Anna for the few weeks is so I don't sit home bored.

At the feast, the headmaster began with his speech about how proud he is of all of our hard work and accomplishments before shifting to the writing contest.

"In third place is Lucy Nova!" He announced as the dining hall went from silent to cheering within only a few seconds.

Lucy didn't tell me that she had submitted a story for the contest.

"In second place is Christopher Wells,"

I crossed my fingers, hoping that my name would be the next to be called.

"And in first place, Pipher Green,"

Just like the previous winners, I stood up as all eyes fell on me before I went to the front of the hall to stand with the other winners. We were all individually congratulated by the professors that were standing with us on our achievement. Then we were all handed a trophy, the third place and second were about half the size of mine as well as being silver while mine was gold.

After receiving our awards, we went back to our tables and allowed the headmaster to finish his speech.

"Before I release you to get your food I have been thinking about something for a while," He cleared his throat, "The outdated rule of not being allowed to date is no longer in effect from this day forward,"

Not many people even listen to the rule but just the satisfaction of hearing the rule be abolished was amazing.

After the feast, we all went back to the suite together where we celebrated both Lucy and I winning a trophy.

"Since when did you submit a story?" I asked.

"I wrote it during a few of my free periods and dropped it off when you were showering,"

I rolled my eyes before laughing.

We celebrated by doing a bit of karaoke and dancing around. There wasn't much we could do but we made the best of it.

"Who wants pie?" Catherine asked.

"Since when do we have pie?" Vin questioned.

"I went out and got some so we could all have dessert before we leave for break," Catherine spoke so kindly.

Vin gave her a tight squeeze in appreciation for us all before she pulled it out of the fridge where it had been staying cool.

Charlotte and Catherine sliced the pie and distributed each piece onto a plate for us all. Six slices exactly for the six of us.

Christmas music played in the background as we all sat in the common area of the suite eating the pie. Lucy and Frankie started with eating all of the whipped cream before even touching the pie.

The cozy feel of the suite, the Christmas music, and the dessert made for a delightful night. We were all full from the feast but decided to squeeze in some pie because it's so irresistibly good.

I had also convinced everybody else we needed a Christmas tree for the common space which we all decorated with assorted ornaments. It definitely didn't fit any aesthetic.

We were all cuddled together on the sofa's, Vin and Catherine on one, Frankie and Charlotte, on the second, and Lucy and I on the last with blankets keeping us warm.

Charlotte and Frankie took turns telling us a Christmas story from a book she had brought. They read to us as we just listened and absorbed it all. It was pleasant and peaceful.

As the night progressed, we all slowly went to our rooms to lay down for the night, saying goodnight to each other as we left.

As Lucy and I laid in our beds, I rolled to face her side of the room, "Why didn't you tell me you were submitting a writing piece?"

"I was planning on it and then I completely forgot about it until tonight," She laughed.

"Well congratulations on third place m'lady,"

To that, we both laughed and smiled at each other until I signaled for her to stand up from her bed as I did the same.

We both stood in the middle of our room, where our two halves met, in our warm pajamas. Both of us had fuzzy socks on as well to keep our feet warm.

I took her hands as we began to dance in the middle of the room together. It wasn't 'traditional' dancing but still dancing nonetheless.

We danced and even though she's a bit taller than I am, I still gave her a twirl.

There was still music playing in the background which gave us something to dance to. We danced around and hummed the music, our eyes latched onto each other.

Once the song came to a close and another was about to start when I pulled Lucy closer to me. My hand left its original position and met her face where I pushed some hair from her face to behind her ear.

My hand then moved to her cheek where I pulled my face to meet hers. Our lips crashed into each other and we exchanged a slow, passionate kiss where our lips melted into each other.

Once the next tune began playing, we both parted from each other and sent a smile toward each other before crawling back in bed without saying anything.

The kiss spoke a thousand words.

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