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It was the middle of December, about 2 week away from Christmas, the happiest time of year! All the students could leave and go back home to see their families and those without families to go home to, could stay at Maglins. They received presents and a large Christmas feast to replicate what the holidays should feel like.

All of Piphers friends went home for Christmas and when they get back, they all have loads of fun stories to tell.

All students gathered together in the dining hall for a presentation at 7 am, even those who had night time classes were made to wake up and get ready early. Charles, Anna, and Pipher sat at a table together.

"As you all know, Christmas is just weeks away and those of you who wish will be allowed to leave and go home to your families. This week is also going to be a week of fun to put everybody into the holiday spirit including shortened classes. Almost everyday there will be a new fun activity taking place and all week there is a writing contest you may have heard about, the submissions are due tomorrow morning, no exceptions." The headmaster spoke, "All day today the activity room will be unlocked for everyone to grab sleds and sled on the hills behind the school."

Pipher whispered an exciting "Yesss" to Charles and Anna.

"Tomorrow there will be ornament decorating for the 6 Christmas trees by the grand staircase, one for each year. Wednesday and Friday there will be no classes and Thursday there will be cookie decorating. I encourage all students to participate." The headmaster finished.

Pipher got up from his seat and danced in excitement, singing Christmas carols annoyingly, "Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Charles smells,"

"That's really kind of you," Charles said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Quit being such a sour egg Charles," Pipher exclaimed.

"Quit smelling like one," He responded.

The three laughed as they all walked across the hall for breakfast. Charlotte was at another table with some of her other friends.

"Wanna go sledding tonight?" Pipher asked Anna.

"Sure," Anna contemplated, "I would love to,"

The students began to stand up to go to the buffet line.

Pipher picked up a plate from a large stack and began serving himself some eggs, bacon, and toast, Anna and Charles followed. They walked back to the table they were sitting at, and ate.

The light Christmas tunes were playing softly in the hall, allowing Pipher to hum along.

"Hey Pipher," Charles said, "Do you think it's too late to write my submission for the writing contest?"

"Looking to impress a girl with your 'out of this world' writing?" Pipher chuckled.

"Very funny," Charles laughed, "But yes, it is."

"Work on it this morning and later tonight, I can help, it's not too late," Pipher responded.

The rest of their breakfast was very quiet, the only noises were the music and silverware hitting the glass plate. They liked to eat in silence rather than talk with mouthfuls of food or stop eating just to talk.

Once they were all finished eating, Charles went to the library to write and Pipher and Anna walked to class, which was shortened due to the meeting in the hall.

"I'll see you later," Anna said, walking down the corridor, away from Pipher before exchanging a small wave.

The day finished quickly, in PE everybody was either making snowmen or sledding, and most other classes either had exams that week rather than assignments or free time to chat with friends.

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