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Pipher Green

January 10th

Today was the first day back to school after the three week break from school. We had all arrived yesterday or the day before looking more refreshed than ever.

The suite was still decorated for Christmas when Charlotte and Catherine tried to take the decorations down but quickly grew tired. Vin and Frankie had gone to get the five of us food.

Lucy still wasn't in the suite at all which was odd but there was probably good reason.

A few days ago, I wrote a letter to Lucy and told her about my feelings and how I feel we're better off as friends. I can understand if she's upset at me, or even mad.

She has yet to respond to me.


Anna and Lilith got their own dormitory together on the floor below ours.

I wasn't upset that I couldn't share a room with her as I'm still technically meant to be sharing with Anna and there's no room in our suite anyway.

Anna and I went back to how we were before Charles had come to ruin things.

We went on walks in the fields, went on adventures through the town, and stayed out late to watch the sun disappear.

We were genuinely happy and we completed each other.

After I broke up, she requested a room change which was granted. We were still on speaking terms but she felt it would be awkward and uncomfortable to sleep in the same room with each other.

Lucy stayed on speaking terms with the rest of my friends though we only really saw each other on occasion.

Anna and Lilith who were now as close as Charles and I used to be would hang out in our suite almost daily.

Lilith would tell us stories from before she was killed. She told us how she created a potion with just basic knowledge as well as how much the school has changed in almost one hundred years.

Many students at Maglins were very intrigued about Lilith as she's been written about in many of our history and potions textbooks.

She was finally getting the fame she deserved.

I even decided to read all about her potion in a textbook I borrowed and it was quite fascinating.

Lilith would also tell us all the drama that had occurred at Maglins when she was first a student.

Everything she had to say was intriguing.

Life had gone back to normal for the most part. The only things I had to worry about were exams and when my essays were due.

Charles sister Elle had even come up to me in the hall, "I got to visit Charles and he told me that he doesn't regret what he did."

I wrapped her in my arms and told her, "Your brother is a bad man."

I said no more as I had no reason to spread rumors or start gossip.

Once the snow began to melt, the rain came. Anna had started to really enjoy going on walks in the rain as long as I held the umbrella for us both. She hated rain boots but I managed to convince her to wear them as they would keep her feet dry and her shoes clean. I wore some with her as well.

Sometimes we would try and stay dry while other times we would dance around without a care in the world. Those days would end with us walking back to the school with our hair slicked back, desperately needing a shower.

The one thing that was a bit odd about everything that had happened was the fact that Anna looked the same as she did when she died while I had aged. She began to age again in January but I had grown a few inches taller anyways.

Anna and I began dating on March 1st which we celebrated by going to lunch with all of our friends and going out to dinner with each other.

All of our friends were happy for us and told us they knew we had liked each other from the start.



On the night of the spring dance, I had worn my best suit as well as a tie and accessories that matched her dress. I put the pin she had gotten me for Christmas on the suit and as we danced, she stared at it.

I was happy and so was she.

We danced and danced until the night had grown late where I then walked her to her dormitory and made sure she was safe. Lilith had gone to the dance with Oliver Fay who had won the spring writing contest last year in third place. She was happy as well.

Frankie and Charlotte were still together along with Vin and Catherine.

At the spring writing contest, I had won just like I did every time. I added a fourth trophy to my collection.

Anna and I spent spring break together and we spent the time studying and spending time together. We went on picnics and she even planted a small garden which we had to tend to.

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