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Pipher Green


It was now the beginning of Summer, the sun stayed in the sky for hours longer than it used to. It was no longer very windy and rainy outside, and instead warm and humid.

Months have gone by since I started attending Wixtons and it's been very boring and dreadful. Finally the year has come to a close and I get to return home from this annoying school.

Obviously that's an over exaggeration, but ever since I've been away from my friends at Maglins, nothings been the same.

I wasn't able to sleep as well and I found that schoolwork took more energy to complete.

All since Anna died.

Packing my bags full of all my belongings took all of my energy, and on the ride back home, I felt myself nearly falling asleep.

My mother placed a kiss on my forehead, "I've missed you," She spoke gently.

Oh how much I've missed her.

Once I arrived home, my father greeted me with a wave before returning back to his office to continue writing before the three of us ate dinner together.

A home cooked meal.

We talked and caught up with each other. My dad told me about an article he had to write recently about climate change and my mom went into vivid detail of a dress she recently designed.

"Are you excited to be home for the summer?" My dad asked excitedly.

"Very," I sighed.

I then proceeded to rant about school and how dreadful I found it to be. It was nothing like Maglins, that's for sure.

"How did your exams go?" My mom asked.

"Anatomy and maths threw me for a loop, but other than that, they were easy,"

"Do you think you passed?" My dad teased me.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course I passed Dad,"

"Just making sure," He laughed, "You gonna hang out with your friends this summer?"

"I think so, one of these days I'll just apparate to one of their houses,"

"Or you'll ask them in a letter and not just show up," My dad spoke sternly.

"And with what wand do you plan on using to apparate?" My mom chimed in.

"Fine," I sighed again, "I'll send them a letter and ask before apparating there and I'll ask one of you two if you can apparte me there,"

"Thank you," My mother responded.

"So how have you been taking Anna's death?" She asked, "Still just as sad as the day you found out?"

"I'd like to think I'm better now, but I still have my moments of weakness I suppose,"

After dinner, we all helped clean up while my mom started on the dishes.

"Need any help with those?" I asked.

"Take that towel and dry them off for me,"

I did as I was told.

My dad cleared the last few things from the table and counters before sitting down on the sofa and reading a book he had recently started. He didn't tell me much about it, just that it was drama mixed with romance. Not really my thing. The drama at least.

Once the kitchen was cleaned and the dishes were all washed and dried off, I gave my mom a hug and thanked her for cooking dinner before I ascended up the stairs.

Instead of doing what I normally do, throwing myself onto my bed, I sat at my desk and took out a pen and some paper and began to write. This time it wasnt a letter to any of my friends, but instead it was a story.

A story of a boy who loved a girl that was then taken from him.

That was our story.

My pen moved swiftly across the paper, writing the nonfiction story. The story of how I lost Anna.

Instead of using our real names, I swapped them out for some fake ones. I called her Mary, and I called myself Chris.

I wrote about the nights we stayed up late to help each other study, the nights we had dinner together, and even the night of our first kiss. Even just writing about it gave me a magical feeling inside. It was if I was complete with just thinking of her.

The worst parts to write about were the days after her death. The day I found her dead and the day of her funeral were most painful.

Her funeral was probably the saddest day of my life. I even got to say a quick speech type thing that I spent many hours creating.

I went on and on about how amazing she was and how much joy she brought me which was then proceeded by various streams of tears.

Even just writing about that day made my eyes pool.

Hours had gone by as I wrote, having to wipe my eyes with a tissue and blow my nose every so often. It was sometime early in the morning when I was finally finished writing and my hand was unbelievably sore.

I had never really lost anybody before so the grief hit me like a train. Crying way more than I smiled and thinking more about her than anything else.

Once the story was completed, I stacked the pages ontop of eachother and reflected.

Now in case I ever lose my memory, I have most of my major memories with Anna written down so hopefully I'll never forget about the impact she had on me.

She truly brought out the best in me.

After a long night of crying as I wrote, it was finally time for bed. I don't recall hearing my parents come upstairs for bed, it was probably because I was so focused on writing.

I changed into my pajamas before slipping into bed. The window was partially open to let in a breeze so I wouldn't get too warm.

Can't wait for another dreadful day.


The sun was shining brightly through my window and it blinded me because the wind blew my curtains open.

After the rough start to the day, I somehow managed to keep an optimistic mindset.

I'm gonna try and have a good day today, even if it kills me.

Do I smell some foreshadowing?

I'm only joking!!! Pipher is not going to die! I just wanted to try and spook someone

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