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Pipher Green

I'd like to say spring break was fun.

But it was nothing of the sort.

It was absolutely dreadful.

Nobody but one person sent any letter and nobody responded to the letters I sent. It was most likely a mailing issue but I doubt Anna wanted to talk to me anyway. The one letter I did receive was from Francis. Francis Fitzlewis.

Instead of opening it and reading the contents, I shredded the letter into many pieces before pushing it toward the bottom of the trash can. I didn't want to hear what she had to say.

Over break, my mom had been away at work, she was making a wedding dress for somebody. My dad was home with me, but he kept himself cooped up in his office, occasionally coming out, either to use the bathroom or get something to eat.

I was alone.

At school ever since Anna and I drifted, and so did Charles and I, it hasn't been the same. Firstly I "lost" my best friends, and then I had to go to the spring dance with Francis.

Francis wasn't a terrible person, just overly annoying, pushy, and pretty much everything I tried to avoid when looking for friends.

At this moment in time, I only had Lucy.


After the dreadful week or so long break which wasn't much of a break, I went back to school. Just the place I wanted to be.

When I went into my dormitory, Anna was laying in Charles's bed and he was sitting at the end.

It seemed that I couldn't escape them. It's like they wanted me to feel miserable.

I left my things in my room before grabbing a few different things and heading to the boys bathroom.

At least they couldn't bother me there.

I took a long and relaxing shower, and the water which gushed down from my head to my feet was refreshing. It made me temporarily forget about my problems.

Gosh I'm too young to have this many problems.

After my shower, I had stirred up every bit of confidence I could find and decided to use it.

I dressed myself and rushed down the corridor, swinging open the door. Charles and Anna were making out by the looks of it.

Trying to look the other way, I pulled Anna's wrist, dragging her out of the bed.

"Where are you taking her?" Charles yelled as I dragged her through the hall.

I ignored his question and kept walking. I didn't know where to bring her for some privacy so I went to the janitor's closet where Lucy and I had been months before.

After I slammed the door behind us, I took a wand out of my pocket.

"Where did you get that?" She asked, "Let go of me," She begged.

With a point of the wand and saying "Muffliato", I turned toward her.

"Why did you take me here?" She asked, "And why are you using a wand?"

"Pickpocketed it," I stated.

She tried to wiggle her way toward the door to which I put my arm out, stopping her. I held her back as I said, "Colloportus".

She began to scream.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I assured her, "I won't touch you, I just want to talk. Talk without Charles having his nose in between us,"

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