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Pipher Green

"What's the event?" Mrs. Nova asked.

"A bravery ceremony," Mr Nova responded.

"A what?"

"A bravery ceremony is a celebration for when somebody displays great amounts of bravery," Her dad responded.

"Who's it for and what'd they do?" Lucy asked.

"Ms. Lossknot and Ms. Benett for being the first to complete the Infinite Quest."

I was taken back, "Who?"

"Ms. Lossknot and Ms. Benett."

"Can you excuse me?" I stood up from the dining table and walked away toward the bathroom. I locked the door behind me using my wand and looked at myself in the mirror.

My eyes began to pool as I tried my best to keep myself together or at least silence the cry. Lucy knew why I had locked myself in the bathroom after hearing Anna's name so she did not unlock the door to talk to me.

Instead she sat outside of the door to make sure I was okay. She could hear my sobs as she tried to desperately calm me down. She said things like "It's okay".

I unlocked the door and invited her in as I continued to cry. She wrapped me in her arms to further comfort me as I tried to collect myself.

The reason I had cried all the times before was because Anna was gone, but this time was because her name got brought up and apparently she's alive again. The last time I had seen her, she confessed her love for me and now, about six months later, I'm dating somebody else.

If she sees me with Lucy, it's going to crush her heart.

"She's gonna hate me," I sobbed as Lucy ran her fingers through my hair and rubbed my back with her other hand.

"Why's that?"

"Because the day before she died," I broke out into a sob, "She- she confessed her love for me."

She gave me a tighter squeeze.

"I don't know what to do."

"Do what's best for you, and you only," She spoke just as kindly as she always did.

"Bring me home," I responded, "Please."

She nodded her head before going upstairs to grab my belongings. I had never really unpacked anything so it made it easy for her to grab my things.

When she came back to the bathroom, I was on my knees in front of the toilet throwing up. She rubbed my back.

The way I feel toward Anna right now reminds me of how Vin feels about Catherine. He would do anything for her, even risk everything he's worked so hard for.

Lucy probably feels the same toward me.

No matter what I choose to do from this moment forward, at least one of them is going to end up hurt.

Lucy apparated me home as well as my things before she left me alone. My parents were both inside on the sofa talking to each other when I stumbled in the door with tears streaming down my face.

My mother rushed to me as I dropped my bags and gave her a hug.

"Anna," I managed to get out through the sobbs, "She's alive."

"What?" Both of my parents said.

"The Infinite Quest," I coughed, "Her and another girl completed it and they're holding a ceremony at the ministry soon."

"Do you want to go?" My dad asked.

"We can take you."

"Yes, I need to see her," I hugged my mom tighter and wiped the tears from my face.

"Are you and Lucy still together?"

"That's part of it. Lucy and Anna both love me and I don't know how I feel toward either of them," I thought for a moment, "On one hand, Lucy comforts me and assures me everythings okay, while Anna made me the best version of myself."

It was obvious that neither of my parents knew what to do as they had gone silent. I didn't blame them, I was just as confused.

I had brought my things to my room where I sat in bed and cried for another hour or so.

Why couldn't I have been told about the ceremony any other day? Christmas is the day I look forward to every single year and this time I was spending it crying.

Fed up with the pounding headache the sobbing had caused, I pulled myself together and threw myself back onto my bed in defeat. My arms were spread wide as I laid like a starfish, staring at the ceiling.

How am I meant to decide between Lucy and Anna?

If either of them want me after leaving them both.

I wrote to Frankie and confessed everything that was circling my mind, asking for advice. In the meantime, I decided to read through Anna and I's "Our story" that I had written. Memories flooded in as they did every time, but this time there were no tears.

It may have been because I had little reason to cry or because I had cried out all the tears my body had. Sometime while reading through the story, I had fallen asleep most likely due to the mass amounts of crying I had done.

I woke up in a slouched position that felt quite unnatural. I was still wearing the clothes I wore yesterday and the story sat beside me.

One thing I still had was my pounding headache, probably caused from the alcohol and then all the sobbing.

Gosh I feel like such a cry baby.

Since I had barely eaten dinner last night, I felt as though I was starving. I made my way to the kitchen where I took some leftovers from the fridge and reheated them. It felt weird to eat dinner foods as breakfast but then again, eating breakfast foods for dinner was normal so why not.

I ate and ate until my heart and stomach were content and no longer yelling at me to go eat. Once my father came out of his office for lunch, I was finishing mine.

"Good afternoon," He spoke excitedly.

"Morning, what's gotten you in such a good mood?"

"Just woke up on the right side of the bed I guess," He laughed, "I slept like a baby and I'm full of energy."

I wish I could say the same.

"So, any plans today?" He asked.

"Same old."

I headed back upstairs where I threw myself in bed as I had nothing else to do.

The day passed slowly.

Everyday passed slowly.

Everyday up until the day of the celebration at the Ministry.

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