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Anna Benett

I woke up this morning in bed with Pipher. We both slept well because of last night's shenanigans. Today we were going to ride around again and stop by the grocery store.

"Goodmorning," He said, rubbing his eyes.

"My mom has breakfast made downstairs for us," I said, "If you're hungry"

"More than ever," He laughed.

Breakfast was waffles and bacon instead of the usual eggs and bacon that Pipher had at Maglins.

"Thank you Mrs. Bennett," He said.

"You're welcome dear. Eat as much as you like," She responded.

"What are you two going to do today?" My mom asked us.

"I'm taking him out for a ride again," I said, "show him around some other places,"

"If you two need anything your father and I will be at work. Make yourself a sandwich or salad for lunch, your dads bringing back pizza for dinner." Mom said.

"Thank you Mrs. Benett," Pipher said once again.

By the time we were done eating, both of my parents had left for work.

"So," He said, "What do your parents do for work?"

"My moms a cosmetologist, she cuts hair and teaches people how to do makeup," I responded. "And my dad is a professor at a nearby school, he teaches Astronomy and Physics at a non magic school,"

"Why a non magic school?" Pipher asked.

"He couldn't find one to teach at, and it makes good enough money anyway. What do your parents do?"

"My dad is a writer and my mom is a fashion designer," He said, "For holidays my mom likes to dress me in elaborate outfits and because I'm not home this Christmas, she's probably gonna dress me up when I'm home for spring holiday,"

"What does your dad write? And what type of clothing does your mom design?" I asked curiously.

"He likes to write fantasy novels and children's books, and my mom really loves designing dresses and skirts but for me she makes weird jumpers. One time she made a romper with little bows on it for me. I had to wear it all day,"

I chuckled at that, "I'd love to get to know your parents more, mind if I write to them sometime?"

He agreed.

We both went to our rooms and dressed into different clothes to wear outside.

"Meet me downstairs once you're dressed," I said, running down the stairs.

Pipher came trotting down the steps about a minute or two later and we both went back to the barn. We got on our horses and took off for the town.

First stop was the grocery store where Pipher went inside and I waited outside. It wasn't that I was afraid to buy condoms, I just didn't know the difference between the types and I didn't want the cashier to recognize me. Especially not when I'm buying condoms.

Once we had them, we rode back to the house where Pipher ran inside to put them in his nightstand drawer, throwing the open box underneath some clothes in the dresser.

"Ready?" I asked once he came back outside.

He nodded his head and we took off again, this time for the side roads.

"This is the mayor's house," I said as we went by a grand house, almost the size of a mansion.

"And these are the open fields," I said, pointing to a large open plain, "About twenty minutes that way is another small town,"

"Follow me," I said, nudging my horse to walk a bit faster.

I went to a beaten path by the open fields and started going down it. Both Pipher and I leisurely followed the path for about ten minutes.

"This used to be the spot everyone came to hang out at," I said, pointing at an abandoned castle, "It used to look really nice,"

The windows had been smashed in by rocks, some of the stone had fallen, and moss and weeds had overgrown the place. By each entrance to the castle was a sign prohibiting entry due to how dangerous it was.

"My parents used to bring me here for picnics when I was younger," I said.

Pipher hadn't said anything, probably because he didn't know what to say.

After I gave him some stories and we looked from a distance, we went back to the house for lunch. After lunch we occupied ourselves with random things like playing chess and checkers or putting together simple puzzles.

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