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Early in the morning the next day, Pipher sprung up from his bed to pack his few belongings before the school day. He opened up his bag and placed some textbooks and notebooks inside as well as a few small snacks. Charles was tucked in bed snoring still as Pipher slipped his shoes on. Their dorm room was very calm and peaceful compared to the noisy corridors outside. Though in the early morning they were usually quite quiet.

As Pipher swung their door open as quietly as possible, he stepped out to find a few of his friends at the end of the corridor.

"Good Morning sleepyhead," One of his friends said, nudging his elbow.

The group talked for a few minutes before Pipher had to go to class. "I gotta go to class guys, I'll talk to you at lunch," Pipher said hesitantly.

The group chatted for a few minutes before another one of them said, "I gotta get to class too, I'll talk to you all later,"

His friends were bummed but agreed to let him go to class, and gave him a goodbye shove.

Pipher walked down the corridor and took the grand central staircase to his first class of the day, Mastering Orbology. The class taught all students how to use orbs which were small magic globe-like objects that held mass amounts of information. These orbs were used to collect information and cast spells upon others, similarly to wands, just easier to use.

This was a second year class that Pipher signed up for to expand his orb knowledge before he gets his wand in his third year. The class was for the smartest students to perfect their skills before moving to third year advanced wand studies.

At Maglins, most classes had a baseline or regular level, and an advanced level, but those were difficult to get into. Pipher made all advanced classes despite the rigorous testing. Piphers small friend group, consisting of Charles, Frankie, Anna, and a tall blue eyed boy named Vin were all just shy of making all advanced classes, and each of them only made a few.

After Pipher finished his first classes of the morning he headed off to the courtyard during some free time to read. He sat his bag beside him on a long wooden bench and reached in to grab a book. The books' torn and ruffled pages made it difficult to read but Pipher didn't seem to mind.

A bit of time passed before he headed off to Physical Education which was held behind the school, a class some of his friends were in as well.

The class huddled together while the professor gave instruction on today's activity. After instructions were given the class made teams to pass a ball around, Piphers friends joined together before getting their ball. The group found an open area to the side and chatted as they passed it back and forth.

"How's Catherine?, " Pipher said looking over to Vin, " I saw her crying when I was walking past the 3rd floor lab room this morning. She was with Professor Willison,".

Vin hesitated and his voice quivered, "She was fine last time I saw her, I need to go find her," he said, speeding off down the hall.

"You can't leave class for your girlfriend!" Pipher shouted.

Vin was too far to hear him, and when the professor yelled even louder, Vin just ignored it. Almost everyone, including the headmaster knew that Vin and Catherine were dating but because their relationship benefited both of their academic success, they were left alone.

Anna and Frankie both gave Pipher a look before beginning to pass the ball around again. The three chatted about many different topics before switching to a harder activity.

"This next thing we will be doing is a teamwork activity, you all must get into groups of four before I begin the instruction," The professor said, looking at all of the students who stood around in a circle.

Frankie, Pipher, and Anna glared at each other before realizing they needed another teammate. The group of less popular kids stood, looking cluelessly behind the already made teams. Frankie, trying to be nice and empathetic, asked if one of them would like to join. A boy in year 1 who was standing and fidgeting with his fingers agreed hesitantly.

Anna and Pipher stood behind Frankie whispering to each other about how nervous the boy was. Once the four were together they all assured the boy there was no reason to be scared.

The professor gave instruction on the game, though it was quite simple. All teams would line up side by side before 1 person from each ran out to collect a ball from the end line. The team with the most balls at the end was the winner. They played 2 rounds before class ended.

The teams played competitively but maintained good sportsmanship throughout. The team with the fastest runners obviously won but still congratulated everyone on their hard work.

"You did good!" Anna said to the boy, "What's your name?"

"Im Lewis," He said hesitantly and nervously.

"Nice to meet you Lewis, I'm Anna. Those two dorks are Frankie, the one with curly hair, and Pipher is the other," Anna said happily, trying her best to make him feel welcomed and comfortable.

The boy looked away from Anna, shifting his gaze toward Pipher and Frankie with a slight smile on his face, proud of himself for making a few friends.

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