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Pipher Green

I pulled away, "You what?"

Her face began to turn red, "I'm sorry Pipher, it just slipped out,"

She was visibly embarrassed so I wrapped my arms back around her and hugged her again, ignoring what she had said.

I took the glass to the bathroom and rinsed it out before bringing it down to the kitchen and putting it in the sink.

Though I had to endure a painfully long journey to get the roses for the potion, I think Anna got the worse end of it, having to drink the gross liquid.


For the rest of Christmas break, Anna and I hung out and went on adventures and played some games. I taught her how to play chess and she even ended up beating me at it. At one point when Anna was showering, I went into her room and changed into her clothes which gave her a good laugh. We had a fun time together to say the least.

Oh and the letters I had sent Lucy and Charles, they both wrote back normal letters, probably because they knew by the time I got a letter back, it would've been too late. They explained how their break was going and how their Christmas was.

Once it was time to go back to Maglins, we made the same trip we did a few weeks ago, except starting at her house. Now that break was over, we had classes again, which I was dreading.

Charles had already gotten back before we did and was sitting at his desk studying when I entered the room.

"Long time no see," I joked.

"Look who it is!" He stood up and gave me a warm embrace, "How was spending Christmas with the Bennet's?"

"Quite well, I'll have you know," I spoke positively, "They even got me a present,"

Charles walked toward my bag as I pulled the box out, "Aww, it's cute," He said, I couldn't tell if it was sarcasm or not.

I'm probably going to wait for a special occasion to wear it so I don't risk accidentally losing it.

"Oh, I got this book that I'm almost done reading if you'd like to read it," Charles said.

"Ummm," I thought, "I'll check it out for sure. Did Marley come home for Christmas?"

"How do you know her name?" He said, looking shocked, "Yeah she did,"

"I have a good memory when it comes to that I guess," I said, "Then there's Kasper, Laurence, Elle, Brooke, and Kasey," I counted them off.

"One more," He said, "Two if you're counting Marley's daughter,"

"Bill?" I questioned, "And Quinnette?"

"I never talk about them, you even got my parents and Marley's daughter," He said, completely shocked.

"You talk about them more than you think actually,"

"Do you know Marley's boyfriend's name?" He questioned.

"You've never spoken of him, so no,"

"I don't know either," He laughed.

"Are you excited to start day classes?" I asked.

"I totally forgot about that," He chuckled, "And if you're asking if I'd like to wake up at six in the morning then the answer is no,"

I laughed with him.

"Are there any more writing contests coming up?" Charles asked.

"Don't believe so," I thought, "There might be one in the spring or before summer vacation, but I think those are student voted. And trust me, you do not want some preppy popular girl to read your writing, you can't please them," I coughed, "They wouldn't even like my writing,"

"Oh, I'm sure they would," Charles said, speaking positively.

"Out of pity maybe," I joked, "But seriously, they're mean,"

"What if I made friends with them first?"

"If you're gonna waste your time with girls, at least make sure you're having a good time while doing it. If you're into getting your heartbroken then go right ahead,"

"It can't hurt to try," He pleaded.

"Don't come crying to me when you get your heartbroken,"

"I'm not doing this alone," He said seriously, "Aren't you gonna join me?"

"You want me to go with you to flirt with preppy popular girls just so we can win a writing contest? Are you out of your mind?"

"Very much so," He began, "Don't you want the satisfaction of a hot popular girl telling you that you're a good writer?"

That did sound nice. But what about Anna?

"I'll think about it," I said hesitantly.

What had gotten into me?

"One time," I assured him, "One time,"

"One time will only get you a quick visit with their lips," He chuckled.

"Why would they want to kiss a Green or a Moore anyway?" I asked.

He acted as if I had stabbed him in the chest, "I am insulted by that," He said.

"They wouldn't be caught dead around us," I said, "Trust me,"

"Doesn't hurt to try," He responded, "And you said you'd give it one time,"

"If this doesn't work out, I'm blaming you," I joked.

Maglins and the Infinite QuestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora