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Pipher Green

The curtain stayed open all night so once the snow from the ground became brighter, it signaled that it was daytime. All of us had slept hard except for Paige who was awake and reading when the rest of us came out of hibernation.

"I feel like I've been hit by a train," Lucy said as we both woke up.

We both made our way downstairs with her parents and navigated toward the living room. The tall fluffy tree stood proudly with a handful of presents underneath it. Some in patterned paper and others in solid wrapping paper.

"I've been waiting for hours," Paige spoke sarcastically.

We all sat down and looked at the tree, acknowledging the fact that today is the happiest day of the year. Paige pounced from where she was sitting to grab herself a present to open since she's been waiting so long.

She tore the paper off, revealing two new books, one with a blue cover and the other with a green one.

She thanked my parents for the books as the tag was addressed "From Mom and Dad" before going back to the tree.

"Grab those two gold ones," Mrs. Nova instructed next.

Paige did and read the tags.

"To Paige"

"To Lucy"

Once they both sat with their package in hand, her mom allowed them to unwrap them at the same time. Inside were new hoodies with "Maglins" on the front of them.

They both shot a look of appreciation toward their parents before giving them both a hug.

Nextly, Paige grabbed a package for her parents. It was a large cube shaped box with patterned paper. They opened it together to reveal a new set of glassware.

It seemed like an odd thing to receive as a present but then again, maybe when I'm an adult I'll enjoy getting plates and bowls as a gift.

"Get one for Pipher," Mr. Nova spoke with a kind voice.

Paige placed a package in my lap and I began to unwrap it. Inside was a book, about an inch and a half thick about astronomy. I had a feeling it was from Lucy but just to be sure, I checked the label which sure enough said "To Pipher. From Lucy"

I turned and wrapped my arms around her to show my appreciation.

"Now you can learn some astronomy facts to tell me," She laughed.

"Thank you."

Paige's impatience grew as she had already found another gift under the tree to pass out. This one was for Lucy.

Before opening it, she read the tag and shot a smile toward me. Inside was a box, about the same size as a wand box but instead it had a necklace inside.

The necklace was a star with a few small planets inscribed into it as I know how passionate she is when it comes to astronomy.

"Oh thank you, thank you," She jolted in excitement.

"I know how much you like planets and stars," I laughed, "I'm glad you like it,"

"I love it!"

Immediately, she wanted my assistance to clasp it around her neck before turning and showing everybody.

The pure happiness and appreciation which was plastered on her face caused joy to shoot through my veins as well. I truly believe I would go to extreme ends just to see her happy.

Lucy wore the necklace as we all finished opening presents. My parents had sent the gifts they bought for me so I wouldn't feel left out or anything. Once we were all done, we spent some time talking and though I've only known them for a short time, they feel like family already.

None of us had lunch as we all were waiting for the evening meal, turkey, ham, and mashed potatoes.

Making dinner was a joint effort as we all helped with at least something. Paige set the table while I grabbed ingredients from the fridge to assist the cooking that Lucy and her parents did.

Her house was a homey place to be. Everything seemed to run smoothly as well as the lack of any major disagreements.

"Can you get me some butter?" Lucy asked, pointing to the fridge.

I got her the butter and wiped down the open counter while waiting for another task.

"I need another fork!" Paige shouted from the dining room.

I opened the silverware drawer and passed her one.

Once dinner was ready and the table was set, we all sat in our seats and went around the table, each of us saying something we're thankful for. Paige started by thanking her family for their unconditional support. Paige shared how she's thankful to have a happy family. Once it was my turn to speak, nervousness grew as I tried to pick the best answer.

"I'd like to thank you all for letting me stay with you and for being so kind and welcoming,"

Everybody smiled before it was Mr. and Mrs. Nova's turns.

Once the talking concluded, we all dug into our food and began to eat. Everything tasted just right and the taste was almost indescribable. It tasted like heaven.

"There's another event at the ministry coming up in about a week," Mr. Nova began, "It's not a party so we don't need to dress nice."

Maglins and the Infinite QuestOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz