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Pipher Green

"Get out," I yelled as the figure came flying through the window I kept open for some breeze. It didn't do anything but come closer to me.

I continued to yell and scream for it to leave me alone. I tried bribing it with offerings of money or food. Nothing was working.

As it came beside me, I began trying to get away from it, but then it held onto me, keeping me in one place. I began to sob.

"Please don't touch me," I pleaded, "Don't hurt me,"

The fight against this creature was short but with the anxiety it gave me, it felt like hours. My body froze in fear, now unable to fight back.

This is terrifying.

"Pipher?" A voice from outside the door spoke gently.

I was unable to say anything and once the figure realized somebody was outside the door, it simply vanished into thin air.

Lucy opened the door and had her wand out to shine light into the room.

"I heard you screaming," She spoke as she approached me, I was still frozen in shock.

"T- there was a- a ghost," My voice trembled as I stuttered every few words, "No, not a ghost, a creature," I said, the stuttering going away.

"Did it hurt you?" She asked.

"No- it held me down so I wouldn't fight back," I responded, still very scared from what just happened.

I didn't know if it was all a dream or if it was real life, or if I'm still in a dream.

"Do you want me to bring you back home?" She asked.

"What time is it?"

"Quarter past two," She said, reading the clock.

"I'll be fine here, you don't need to bring me home," I sighed, "I don't feel safe here, and I doubt I will at home either so don't bother,"

"Pipher, if you're scared I can help you, you just need to tell me how I can help,"

After a bit of talking, we decided on him sleeping in my bed so if he has another nightmare, I'll be there to help.

"Can we go outside for some fresh air?" I asked.

"For a bit, sure,"

We went outside and laid in some lounge chairs and looked at the sky.

"Care to tell me some astronomy facts like you did last time?" I joked.

"Not really an astronomy fact but, there are more trees on earth than stars in the galaxy,"

"There's no way that's true," I exclaimed.

"It is," She giggled, "Did you also know that the sunset on Mars appears blue?"

"Nuh uh," I said in disagreement, "Why do you just remember all of this?"

"Because I know you like to hear about them, and it's just fun to know I suppose,"

As we watched the sky, Lucy pointed out some constellations to me and told me a bit about them. I faintly recall her doing this the night of the spring dance, but it honestly never got old. I think that I'll still love hearing her ramble on about the stars and planets even when I'm old.

"Would you like to hear facts about the environment?" I giggled.

"I would love to,"

"Now that I finished the class, I would consider myself an expert about the environment,"

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