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Hello lovelies! I'd like to start by apologizing for being inactive. I've been spending a lot of time with family and appointments and things. Also I think I broke my mini drink fridge thing which is just amazing. I've been having family problems lately so I'm going to do my best to update often!

Without further ado, I present to you Chapter 34!

Pipher Green

I woke up with an odd feeling covering me and I rolled over to where Anna was laying.

I left her be for a while before my stomach began to feel empty and I wanted to go downstairs for some breakfast. I shook her shoulder to try and wake her.

"Anna," I said, shaking her again.

She wasn't responding.

I began to shake her again, still nothing.

Unknowing of how else to wake her, I began to tickle her neck.

Still nothing.

I put myself closer to her and her breathing as well as her heartbeat had stopped. I got onto my knees beside the bed and laid my head on her still chest.

Please tell me this is all a dream.

I began to cry uncontrollably.

A few minutes later there was a hard knock at the door.

"May I come in?" The voice asked.

I opened my mouth and was barely able to get out a "Yes," before the door quickly opened.

Professor Doyle, my Mastering Orbology teacher stood and alongside was Professor Zella, who taught the two wand courses above Prof Doyle.

Once they both made eye contact with me and saw what I was doing, they fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

Professor Zella tried to feel for a heartbeat and breathing but found nothing. Professor Doyle ran down the corridor and found the headmaster who was walking down a hall and brought him back.

The headmaster held onto my wrist and escorted me out of the room into his office while the two professors stayed in the room trying to perform some magic on her.

The tears faded away as we entered the office, and fear began to hit me. He was going to question me.

"Pipher," He began, "You are the only one who was in the room with her,"

I began to shake my head. Does he think I hurt her?

"I don't believe you hurt her," He coughed, "But nobody else is going to believe that,"

I was in disbelief.

First I lost Anna and now I'm being blamed for it.

Just then, Charles ran into the office behind me, out of breath with tears streaming down his face.

"It was him," He pointed to me, "Last night he took her into a closet and locked her there,"

"Is this true Pipher?" The headmaster said, turning his eyes toward mine.

"Yes," I spoke, stuttering a bit.

At this moment I knew that Charles wanted to get back at me. And he wanted to ruin my life.

He motioned Charles out of the office to talk to me.

"Like I said, I don't think you're guilty but I still have to suspend you," He said, "If enough people think you did it and I don't suspend you, I can lose my job,"

I felt so confused.

I didn't hurt Anna.

But what was clear to me was that Charles was no longer a friend of mine.

Later that day I had to pack up my things, leaving my side of the room very bare and leave. The school provided a carriage for me to go home in so I was all alone for the trip with no friends to talk to.

I went from having neither Anna or Charles, to having Anna, to now having neither of them once more.

Once I arrived home, both of my parents stood by the door waiting for me with negative expressions across their faces. I walked inside and they did nothing but give me a long stare.

"Are you gonna say something or just look at me?" I asked, feeling defeated.

"First you spend Christmas with her family," My mom stuttered, "And then you kill her?"

"I didn't hurt her Mom, I swear,"

"I thought I raised you better than this" She spoke with her voice full of anger and disappointment.

"We," My dad charmed in.

"Now isn't the time Noel," My mom said, expressing her valid frustration.

"Can you at least tell us why you did it?" My mom cried, "Where did we go wrong as parents?"

She began to sob.

The sobbing then quickly faded to anger as she began to yell at me for not answering her questions and ordering me to my room. How could I respond to her questions though?

I carried up my heavy luggage to my bedroom where I threw it all to the floor and threw myself on my bed.

I lost myself in thought and was awoken when my mother yelled up the stairs, "Dinner!"

Walking down the stairs to see my mothers disappointed face staring deep into my eyes was terrifying. She looked as if she could kill me in an instant.

I walked into the kitchen where a plate of food sat with a bottle of cold water and silverware.

"Bring it to your room," My mother said with little to no emotion in her voice.

I obeyed.

While I ate my dinner, all alone, I began to think about Anna. I was finally starting to realize she had died.

Our study sessions, gym classes, hikes, dinners, lunches, breakfasts, and many other memories came rushing to my mind. The first day I met her also came to mind.

It was the beginning of last year. We met in English class while we were talking about writing poetry and had to each present a poem to the class. The first thing that grabbed my attention was her poem and the vivid and creative language it used.

The way she talked and the way she emphasized certain lines gave me the courage to walk up to her after the class had concluded.

Once I finished imagining the scenario in my head, I jumped down to the floor and began to unpack my bags. Starting with my trophies which reminded me of Anna and how she always encouraged me to follow my dreams and hobbies. Nextly I pulled from my bag, a slightly torn piece of paper where she wrote the poem from the day we met.

As I sobbed, I read through the poem, emphasizing the lines in my head, just like she had done.

Once I had cried for another while longer, I pulled myself together and sat down at my desk with a pen and some paper and began to write some letters.

First to Lucy, explaining the situation. Then one to Frankie, Vin, Charlotte, and Catherine. I don't know if Charlotte will even read the letter, or if Charles has brainwashed her.

The letters took a long while to write and once they were all completed, I sealed them in envelopes and walked them to the post office. Walking past the living room was dreadful. My mom gave me a deadly stare while my dad just watched me leave.

I can't wait for when I get my wand so I won't have to walk to mail letters.

If I can ever get my wand.

Now that I was expelled from Maglins, I don't know if they'll ever let me back or if I have to find a new school to go to. A school where I have no friends and wouldn't be nearly as fun as Maglins.

All because Charles decided to frame me out of anger for killing a girl that never even loved him back.

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