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Charles Moore

The last few days have been spent just like all the rest, waking up, struggling to eat, and sleeping the days away.

My teachers all gave me temporary passes on my assignments because of the circumstances but I would have to continue my schoolwork soon enough.

Not only did Catherine help me in these terrible times, so did Charlotte when she stopped being so self centered.

I lost her too.

Everyday, some classmates would stop by my half empty dormitory with a small stack of notes from my classes and they've already piled up astronomically high.

Catherine delivered my mail up to me everyday when she went to get hers, most days there was nothing though.

Today she came by with a letter from my parents, one from my older sister Marley, and one from Abigail Knightley from Wixtons school of magic.

"Oh bloody hell," I sighed, taking the letter and examining it, "Who's Abigail Knightley?"

Catherine shrugged her shoulders and sat onto the empty bed on the opposite side of the room as I tore open the envelope and read the letter.

"Some girl from Wixtons school of magic wants me to answer questions about Anna. Apparently news spread quick,"

Once again, Catherine shrugged.

"Stop shrugging your shoulders," I commanded to which she stopped, "You're being irritating,"

"Would you like me to leave you alone?" She asked.

"Yes," I spat, "Come back with my dinner though. Something other than soup,"

She left the letters beside me in bed before leaving my room.

Finally some peace and quiet.

I tossed the odd letter aside and opened the one from my parents next. They just told me it was gonna be okay or whatever. A waste of my time to read it honestly.

Marley's letter was a little less heartfelt but still too nice, albeit it was similar to her previous letters.

Why did I no longer like their letters?

What's happened to me?

First I hurt Anna and now I'm a whole different person.

I threw the letters from my family aside and picked up the one from Abigail again. Why is she so concerned about what's happened? She doesn't even go here.

As I thought deeply about how strange it is, my eyes moved around the room and fell on my trophy from the winter writing contest. I can't stand to look at it. It reminds me of Pipher.

That night, I wrote back to my family and Abigail. I kept the letters short and tried to be nice though it was hard.

It didn't work very well.

Catherine came back with some food for me, it wasn't soup either.

"You listened," I exclaimed.

She nodded but didn't open her mouth to say anything.

"Don't feel like responding?" I asked.

She shook her head, unable to speak.

"Have it your way," I spat.

"Is there anything else you wanted?" She asked.

"I want you to stay with me,"

"What?" She asked, "Are you mental?"

Maglins and the Infinite QuestOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant