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Pipher Green

The next few weeks after realizing my feelings for Anna still lingered were miserable. It felt like Valentine's day over and over again when I saw Anna and Charles.

Though neither of them admitted to liking each other or having anything going on between them, I could just tell.

In the mornings, Charles would spring out of bed unlike he had done previously and look forward to the day. He reminds me of how I used to be motivated.

I still put on a disguise and pretended like I was fine to everybody. When anybody would ask how I was, I would lie and say I'm doing well.

I stayed up late in the library most nights working on class work and studying so my teachers wouldn't suspect something was wrong. I had to put my brain into overdrive and work as hard as I could for myself.

The girls and Charles began to notice I wasn't showing up to the suite as often as I used to, so I had to go more often to remain as I was before.

All of this pretending was burning me out. I feel like I've not only lost the girl I like, but also my best friend.

There was only a little bit of time before spring break where I would finally get a chance to relax.

But that also meant I had some exams and the writing contest coming up that I needed to work extra hard for.

The worst part of it all was the spring dance.

Vin would be going with Catherine, Frankie with Charlotte, and Anna with Charles. This left me all alone.

I talked to Lucy about going with me but she's going with Ben.

The thing I wanted the least was for word to get around that I had nobody to go with and have people see me as something that I'm not, a loser.

When I was in Anatomy class about a week before the dance, a girl was talking to her friend about not having anybody to go with so I, being pathetically desperate, decided to ask her.

Her name was Francis Fitzlewis, a third year student. She's somewhat popular and tolerable to spend time with. Though I truly liked Anna, both Francis and I needed somebody to go with.

A few weeks before the spring dance, my mother sent a package with a suit inside. It was completely black but she also sent a few cool ties that would hopefully match whatever dress my date had.

My mother also sent a long letter telling me how proud she is of me and wishing me the best of luck at the dance. She can probably sense from back home the amount of stress and pressure I've been through recently.

A condensed version of her letter is as follows,

Dear Pipher <3

I have sent you a suit and some ties for you to choose from for the upcoming spring dance. I hope these are good enough options, I wasn't sure exactly what you would want.

If the suit doesn't fit or you need something brought to you quickly, write back as soon as possible and I can bring you whatever you need.

In just a short few weeks depending on when this arrives, you'll be back home and get to relax with your father and I. I understand the stress you probably have from studying and your dad and I are so proud of you. When you get home we look forward to hearing about how everything's been going.

We love you so much pumpkin and we can't wait to see you and hear all about your dance and the writing contest you've been so excited about!!

My mothers letters have a special way of making me go from sad to over the moon happiness.

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