Brainwashed again?

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-Meliodas POV-

"Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around. Everything was black. Then a face appeared. It was me when my demon mark activated.

He took my wrist and started pulling me somewhere. The demon mark activated on me too. It was getting darker ever step we took.

Then I was pulled in my other wrist too. I looked there to see me without my demon mark. Half my demon mark deactivated and I had one green eye and one black.

They pulled me at different directions. The demon one pulled me to the black side. The none demon pulled me to the light. The black one felt good when I come closer to it. It felt right. The white one felt warm, but not like me. It felt wrong.

I was about to go with my demon self when I saw Elizabeth in front of me. Half her was a goddess while the other was a human. She walked up to me and took her hands on my cheeks.

Then her hands traveled down to my chest.

"Come with me Meliodas." She said soft with the goddess side smiling, but not human side.

"Be yourself Meliodas." She then said, as soft, but this time, it was the human side that smiled and not goddess.

"The light will feel good once you get inside it." The goddess half said.

"You go where you feel like home." The human said. Then the goddess side kissed my cheek.

"Come with me Meliodas." She said and took my hands. The other two of me was gone now and my hands was hanging in the air.

Then the human side become to the whole goddess. She started pulling me lightly to the light.

"Come with me Meliodas. It will be fun." She said. I found myself walking to the light with her pulling me. When we stepped in the light...

I woke up and looked around. I was in the boar hat in my and Elizabeth's room. I was going to sit up when chains held me down. They was all over my legs and arms. I wasn't able to move my body except my head.

"Why am I chained to the bed?" I asked myself as I looked around. No one was in the room. Then suddenly, a towel fell of my forehead. I didn't realise I had it on.

I signed, it was no point in trying to get free. I relaxed and tried to lay in a comfortable position, bit it didn't work with the chins.

I laid down some minutes, just staring up the ceiling until I heard the door opened. I looked there to see Ban step in the room.

"Ban, why am I chained to the bed?" I asked.

"Captain? Captain's awake!" Ban yelled. All the sins ran in, even Escanor.

"Escanor? When did you come here? And why am I chained to the bed?" I asked.

"What even happened to you all? You are looking like you just come from a fight." I said.

"Captain? Is it really you?" Diane asked.

"Well, of course it is me. Where is Elizabeth? Is she okay?" I asked.

"Captain, we actually, don't know. You was with her the last time." King said.

"That's not true. We all was in the boar hat until I passed out." I said.

"Except you then Escanor." I added.

"Captain, last we saw Elizabeth, she was badly injured. We don't kn-" I cut Merlin off by sitting up, breaking the chains on my arms and legs in the process.

"Badly injured?! Where is she?!" I asked.

"Captain, calm down. We don't know where she is or if she is even still alive or not." Merlin said.

"She is still alive! If she wouldn't, I would have seen her die! The curse is stopping her from dying until I can see her die!" I said.

"Curse?" Gowther asked.

"What curse?" Escanor asked.

"I know, but you wasn't passed out, you was in demon form." Merlin said.

"That's why I was chained? But if I was in demon form, I would still remember everything!" I said.

"Captain, calm down. She will be fine, if she is dead, she is reborn. You ju-" I cut Merlin off.

"Reborn?! Every reincarnation have her own personality! None is the other alike! You can't just say that!" I said.

"Captain, calm down. Y-" Diane cut herself off when I took my hand to my head. I remembered something. Attacking, it was coming from me towards, the sins. I attacked everyone, I was the one who injured everyone. That's why the sins is injured.

"I, I was the one injuring you? Why didn't you tell me?! Is it something more I should know that I don't remember? What I did? What happened?" I asked.

"You took away Elizabeth somewhere and broke the seal to the demon clan." Gowther said.

"What?! Elizabeth is in danger!" I said and ran downstairs.

-Ban's POV-

"You was right, the chains was too small." King said.

"He broke it down in a second." Diane said.

"Yeah." I said.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I could feel Meliodas aura coming closer and closer. Then Meliodas flew in through the window. He just looked around. Then he sat down beside me.

"Elizabeth? What happened? What did they do to you?" Meliodas asked as he placed one hand on my cheek, turning my head to look at him.

"Elizabeth, who did this to you?" Meliodas asked again as his demon mark slowly disappeared. I smiled. He was back to my boyfriend Meliodas.

"Meliodas." I said and hugged him. He rubbed my back.

"It's okay. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." Meliodas said. I smiled at him and snuggled in his chest. Then I felt a squeeze on my breast.

"Huh? No reaction?" Meliodas asked.

"No, grope away." I said. I saw his cheeks turn red and then my did too of realizon of what I said. Then we both smiled at each other as we cuddled to sleep.

Brainwashed, not betrayedWhere stories live. Discover now