His family

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-Diane's POV-

Merlin casted a spell upon us to make our wounds heal. It just took one hour to heal us, for ban it was 30 minutes. We was still in the Captain's and Elizabeth's room. Captain was still past our and Elizabeth healed her own wound with her druid magic. It was silent.

"So, Merlin, you figured out what his purpose was with the breath of bless?" King asked.

"I think it was to love." Merlin answered.

"What do you mean?" Hawk asked.

"The Captain, the real Captain. His personality is horrible. He is a emotionless murderer. Killing for fun. Making others suffer and is happy about it. I think a goddess fell in love with him and put the spell on him so that he would love her back." Merlin explained.

"Why would anyone fall in love with someone that cruel?" I asked.

"Elizabeth. Supreme deity's daughter. She is the only one with as strong magic to do it to him." Gowther said.

"Elizabeth, are you okay?" I asked, she nodded and hugged the Captain. Then I saw his finger move.

"Did you see that?" I asked.

"What is it?" King asked.

"Captain's finger, he moved." I said.

"He is waking up!" Merlin said and stood up. We others stood up too. The next second, he shot up sitting while Elizabeth hugged him tightly.

"Get away from me you goddess!" Captain yelled and pushed her away. She refused to let him go. You could hear one bone after another crack and it really hurt for Elizabeth.

"Stop that you bastard!" Hawk yelled.

"Come on, let me hear you scream for help." Captain said as he continued to push her, push her to the wall and slowly and painfully crack bones. One after one. Elizabeth bit her lip to not scream.

"Stop it you sick bastard!" Ban yelled. Captain shot him a death glare.

"You are next." He said with a smirk as he continued to brake her bones. Then the cracking stopped.

"Huh, guess I already broke all your bones. Let's get moving to other parts like legs and arms." Captain said. At this point we have already run up to the perfect cube and attack it. Begging Merlin to open the perfect cube and Captain to stop hurting her.

Soon after, Elizabeth had passed out of all the pain.

"She has already passed out? I knew she was weak, but not this weak. Guess I can kill her now." Captain said as taking Elizabeth by the neck. She was already breathing heavily and now, it nearly stopped. Then all of a sudden, Captain laid her down again alive and carefully.

"What am I doing?" He asked. We stopped attacking the perfect cube when his smile disappeared.

"Captain?" Merlin asked. Captain just looked down at Elizabeth, he looked sad.

"How can I kill her without hearing her scream for help first?" Captain then asked with his smile. He was horrifying! A real heartless person.

"No, Captain, let her be!" I said while sliding down the perfect cube to the floor crying. Captain looked at me.

"Yeah, cry you, it is one of the best sights to see. To see people suffer." Captain said and leaned on the perfect cubes wall, looking at us.

"Diane, don't cry, she will be fine." King said.

"Fine you say? You mean she will die. Die in front of you all, you can't even protect yourself and you try to protect others." Captain said. I cried more and more. Soon I felt a group hug around me.

"Oh, what a wonderful sight. To see you help each other. It will be a pleasure to kill you all infront of each other." Captain said.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as everyone let go of me.

"Hmmm, it's fun." Captain said nonchalant.

"Fun?! Is it fun to kill?! See other suffer?!" I asked.

"Of course. It is the most fun ever." Captain said.

"What have got wrong with you? Don't you miss to feel loved by your family. To see love grown? If it wasn't for love, you would never be here." I said crying. The others looked at Captain and me in silence.

"Love made me? Loved by my family? I think you have got everything wrong, giant. My old man never loved mother, she was raped by him to get a heir to the throne. After that  he killed her. He never show love, mercy or even an emotion to anyone. Our family isn't love, our family are killing and hate." Captain said with a smirk.

"You never been loved?" King asked.

"Like I care, I like to be feared by everyone, making everyone to my slaves." Captain said with a bigger smirk.

"You really are emotionless." I said and walked away. The sins stayed to look after the Captain and Elizabeth.

-King's POV-

"Shouldn't you go after her? Or will you just let her run away for her life like a cry baby?" Captain asked.

"I can't believe that you are the one who led us." I said.

"Oh, you don't like me anymore, is that it? Too bad for you, I am killing you anyway." Captain said. Then Elizabeth slowly woke up.

"You woke up pretty fast, now, let me hear your scream." Captain said and took Elizabeth's hand and slowly broke one finger after one. Elizabeth even bit her lip so hard she started bleeding instead of screaming.

"Stop it!" Ban said.

"Come on, just one scream and I will end your suffering." Captain said.

"You are psycho!" Hawk said. Captain looked at Hawk with a smirk.

"Don't mind if I am." He said. I looked at him in disbelief.

"We need to open up! If not, the people will think it is something wrong and tell the king." Merlin said.

"Are you gonna run away too? Too scared?" Captain mocked.

"You know I am Bellions daughter, right?" Merlin asked as she shot a glare at the Captain.

"Wow, so scary. You are just a witch, nothing more." Captain said.

"You all need to go and open up, I will look after the Captain." Merlin said. The others nodded and we walked downstairs.

We had served costumes in an hour now. I am worried about the princess.

I was deep in trought when a costumer screamed. All the sins ran there to see Captain on top of the costumer.

"You are just another weakling, not even worth to hear his scream." Captain said and sliced the costumes neck and picked up the head by his hair.

"This is the humans today? Never have any race being weaker than this." Captain said and threw away the head on the floor.

"Stop it! Damn it!" Ban yelled, Captain looked at him with a smirk. What happened to the princess?

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