Let them be

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-Diane's POV-

Captain just left with Elizabeth and I am worried to death.

"We haven't found where she went! We need to find her! Who knows what the Captain will do to her!" I said to Merlin.

"We need to find Escanor, he is the only one who actually have a small chance against him." Merlin said.

"I am with Diane! You of all knew that the Captain really was like that before! You should think like we!" King said.

"Yeah, the princess need help!" Ban said.

"We won't be able to defeat the Captain without Escanor." Gowther said.

"I am with Merlin too, it's too dangerous without Escanor." Arthur said.

"But princess Elizabeth may need our help!" Howser said.

"Yeah, but we can't save her without Escanor." Griamore said.

"She could die if we don't do something." Gilthunder said.

"Yeah, we should face them now!" Jericho said.

"But it is really dangerous." Guila said and sided with Merlin.

"Hawk? You are the last. What do you think?" I asked.

"We need to find Elizabeth!" He said.

"Okay, but we others will go and find Escanor!" Merlin said.

"Do it then!" I said. Then Merlin, Gowther, Arthur, Guila and Griamore left.

"Where would the Captain go with Elizabeth?" I asked.

"He asked about the demon race, told us that the demon king was his father and said he had to make up something with his brother, so free the demon race?" Howser said.

"That sounds right." King said.

"But where is the seal then?" Gilthunder asked.

"Isn't it in Danafor?" Jericho asked.

"Of course! We need to go there now!" I said. They all nodded as Hawk told Hawk mama.

"That bastard, why would he do this?!" Ban asked.

"I don't know, but we need to save Elizabeth." I said. He nodded.

-Merlin's POV-

"He could be wherever. We need to split up. We all go each way alone and come back here in two weeks, if not here then, we will take it as you are dead. Understand?" I asked. Everyone nodded as they walked back to their homes to get ready for their long journey. I just started my together with Gowther.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I flinched more as he cut my arm and blood slowly started to drop down my skin. It hurt so much. I can't believe the man I fell in love with is like this.

The seal started glowing purple as things come out of it.

"So you are good to something. Well, now when that is over, I don't need you anymore." Sir Meliodas said and was ready to stab me in the heart.

"Wait!" I heard a voice. Me and sir Meliodas looked there to see a boy with black hair. He slowly walked toward us.

"Brother, what are you doing?" He asked. He is sir Meliodas brother?!

"Don't get in my business Zeldris! I want to have some fun, but she refuses to scream, I am tired of it!" Sir Meliodas said angry as he was about to stab me when his brother stopped him.

"You are gonna kill the woman you love?" He asked.

"Love?! I will never feel that disgusting feeling! I don't even know from where you all get that from!" Sir Meliodas said.

Brainwashed, not betrayedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora