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-Meliodas' POV-

I stared at Tristan as he ate. He seemed oddly optimistic  today.

"What is it?" I finally asked. He smiled at me, saying "Nothing!"

With a sigh, I just continued eating my lunch.

"Father?" Tristan asked. I didn't reply except giving a small "hmm?"

"Do you feel any different than usually?"

"No, what have you done now?" I asked, pretty sure he has done something, I just have to know what.

"Nothing! Don't just accuse me of doing things! It's mean!" Tristan said and crossed his arms. I just sighed and spoke "Eat up, I want you to train even more with the sword today."

He nodded as I stood up, walking away from the dinning room to the throne room, sitting down.

"You could let the first one in." I announced, a guard opening the door.

"What is it?" I asked as a man stepped inside.

"I-I would like to seek help, there is an illness in town and m-my daughter is v-very sick. Could you please give out medicine to the poor?"

"Do you really think I give a damn about your daughter or village? I'm not here to solve your pathetic problems. Get out of my sight before I execute you."

He nodded and went out, the next one walking inside. That being another man, but one I knew.

"What are you doing here? I thought I banished you from this castle." I spoke harshly. He flinched and nodded, saying "B-but I need your help brothe-"

"We are no longer brothers."

"I'm sorry for keeping the child away from you, but Gelda have gotten sick and now when she's just given birth, I'm worried neither of them will surviv-"

"Remind me why I would like to help you."

"We are brothers-"

"I just declared we are not."

"Yes we are! Meliodas, please help me. We have no money and barely a home! No one wants to hire me because of my blood and Gelda can't get a job! We need help!" He said. I sighed, giving it a small thought. Smiling, I looked at his shocked face as he waited for my answer.


"All we need is money to the medicine, please! I beg of you! I do whatever you want!"

"Get out of my sight or you are going into the dungeon."


"Guards!" I yelled, some running in and taking Zeldoris' arms, holding him in place. Zeldoris just kicked and punched them away, saying "Meliodas, please. I leave you alone for the rest of my life, but do this one thing for me."

I stared at him, standing up from my throne.

"P-please b-brother. I-I do anything." He stuttered, taking a step back.

"In that case, I want to meet my niece or nephew before I give you anything. I will give you the medicine you need if I like them enough."

He gulped, but nodded and turned around, saying "I will return with her."

I just sat down again, the next person walking inside.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I laid down in bed. This is my new cell... and I'm supposed to show him how much I love him? I mean, the two of us just talked last night until we fell asleep. I was playing a bit with his hair and cuddling a bit with him, but not much. He didn't seem to even want too much physical contact from me except when he was going to sleep.

Talking to him is nice, but he's just mean when we talk. Nothing like my Meliodas, he doesn't ask me if I'm okay or if something is wrong. He doesn't seem to care much about how I feel at all, but just about what I tell him. He just cares about how much I compliment him and ask him how he is doing.

He just seems arrogant this way, but he's still my Meliodas no matter what, even if he doesn't act like it.

It knocked on the door, making me slightly confused. Meliodas would just walk into the room, wouldn't he?

"C-come in." I answered, a bit unsure. The one who ran inside was not someone I expected though.

"Tristan? What are you doing here?"

"Mother! I missed you!" He said and hugged me. I hugged him back, asking again "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to know if you and father love each other again. Is he turning back to normal?" He asked, looking up at me. I smiled down at him, asking "What do you mean with normal?"

"The sins said that the normal him was kind and caring, funny and so in love with you!" Tristan said. I smiled down at him, pulling him up in my lap.

"Well, I do think he likes me a little bit more. You should still not be with me really yet though. Meliodas might get angry that you aren't doing what you should."

"But practicing sword techniques is so boring! Can't you watch me when I practice?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head, saying "I'm not supposed to leave the room and you can't practice here. Go and ask the sins, they love to be with you, don't they?"

"They said they are talking adult stuff now, I can't be with them. Father is working all day and uncle Zeldoris is gone. I don't know where he is." Tristan spoke, leaning his head on my chest.

"Can't you find any friends in town?" I asked. He shook his head, saying "I tried, but no one wants or are allowed to play with me because I'm the son of the demon king. Either they run away from me or their parents say that they have to go. Everyone are avoiding me in town."

-No one's POV-

Tristan was just quiet, thinking about everyone constantly avoiding him. His mother felt bad for him and tried to come up with another solution as it was one more unnoticed person who just felt guilt and sadness.

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