In the morning

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-Tristan's POV-

After a while, I gave up on cutting my food. I just sat down and looked at my food and sometimes I glanced at father.

He looked so scary and acted so cold. Is he always like this?

Uncle Ban said that father was a skilled swordsman and his best friend at one time. Aunt Merlin told me that he was too childish and uncle Gowther said the same. Uncle Escanor told me that my father was a good man that have helped him a lot. Aunt Diane and uncle King told us how kind and rude he can be at the same time. Father didn't seem anything like that.

I looked down at my food again. I'm so hungry, I wish the food was cut in pieces like uncle Ban always do with my food.

"Why don't you eat?" Father's cold voice asked. I looked down in my lap as I whispered "I-I can't c-cut the f-f-food."

"Give me your plate." Father said demanding after a sigh. I picked up my plate with food and walked over to father, standing beside him with my plate in my hands.

He took it and placed it on the table, then he started cutting it. He gave me back my plate and said "Eat up and go to bed after. I don't want to hear any trouble from you. Understood!?"

I nodded and walked back to my seat. Then I started eating. After I ate half my plate, father stood up and walked away, leaving me alone.

I continued eating until I was done and was about to jump down the chair when my plate was taken away and a big chocolate cake with strawberries was put in front of me.

With a smile, I looked at the one who placed the cake down. It was a butler and he said "From the demon king."

I gave a small nod and looked back to my cake. Father told him to give me this? It looks so good!

Before the butler could walk away, I looked at him and asked "C-can you thank h-him for m-me?"

The butler just smiled and nodded. Then I started eating my cake. When I was done, I walked back to my room with the butler helping me finding it.

As I come in, I saw Chandler standing in my room with a smile.

"Young Master Tristan, we have now made some clothes to you. Put on night clothes and go to bed." Chandler said.

"O-okay." I said and Chandler left. With that, I walked up to my closet and saw many clothes. Not knowing what I should wear, I just picked a black shirt and black pants. It was very comfortable clothes.

Then I went to bed and fell asleep pretty fast.

-Meliodas POV-

It have been some hours since dinner and I was finally done with the paperwork. I stretched before walking out off my office.

I walked some corridors until I arrived at the room. As quiet as possible, I opened the door and walked inside, closing it after me.

Tristan was already asleep in bed. He looked peaceful. I put my hand on his forearm and rubbed it a bit.

"My boy." I whispered to myself. I looked at him sleeping a minute more and then went to my room to sleep.

-Tristan's POV-

I woke up and sat up in bed. It's so boring here. It's no toys nor anyone to play with. What will I do today?

Then the door opened and I saw father walk inside.

"Good, you're awake." He said and walked up to my closet, then he picked some clothes while saying "It's breakfast in 10 minutes, make yourself ready, we are leaving right after."

Leaving where? What does he mean?

"Y-yes father." I said and got out of bed. He gave me the clothes he picked out and then stopped a second and saw my bed hair. It looked like his hair on the top and more combed a bit down.

He placed a hand on my head and patted it a bit before leaving me alone. I smiled a bit before starting to put on my clothes father gave me.

When I was done with putting on my clothes that looked very fancy and expensive, I walked out of the room.

Father stood there, waiting for me.

"Good, let's go." Father said, the same scary tone he always have. With a nod, I followed father down to the dinner room.

The same butler like yesterday come and gave us our food and we started eating. To my luck, I didn't need to cut the food.

Father was done before me and unlike yesterday, he waited for me to finish. Once I was done, father stood up and said "Come on, we need to go now."

I did as told and followed father outside the castle.

-King's POV-

"I hope Tristan is okay." Diane said. We have been here one night now. I gave Diane a hug and said "I'm sure he is okay, after all, he is the Captain's son."

"And he is strong." Escanor said. We others nodded.

-Unknown POV-

"We have found it! This will save us from the demon king and all the other demons!" I told the other magicians. They cheered with joy.

"Where is the goddess body?" I asked. One of them walked out of the room and just some minutes later, he come in with a female goddess body. The best part with it is that a goddess body never rotten after death, like demons and fairies.

"Okay, here we go." I said and slowly dripped the liquid in the goddesses mouth. The body started healing and it didn't take long before the goddess opened her eyes.

She sat up and asked "W-What happened?"

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