She's back

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-Tristan's POV-

Father and I walked outside the castle to a place where many demons are. They let us go to the middle where it was space and then we turned around to look at everyone.

Many was staring at me and I felt a bit uncomfortable with it, so I walked behind father's leg to hide myself.

Father looked down at me and said "Don't hide. Everyone need to see you." in a demanding tone. I just did as told and stood beside father, but I felt really uneasy. I wonder where uncle Gowther and the other is. I miss them.

Some demons and other people was whispered things like "Who is he?""What is a boy like him doing with the king?""Why are we here?"

"Silence!" Father said and everyone become quiet. It made me a bit more scared of him.

"This is my son Tristan and he will become the next demon king. Treat him with respect. If I heard that someone even whispered a comment about him that I don't like, then you will immediately be executed." Father said. Everyone nodded.

"Good. Go back to what you was doing now." Father said and everyone started walking away. Then he looked down at me and said "Tristan, if you hear a bad comment or is treated in the wrong way, you are telling me immediately. Understand?"

I nodded and he gave a small "Good." before we walked back in the castle.

I walked just behind father in the throne room when he suddenly stopped.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked.

-Diane's POV-

"Hey, I have found a way out of here!" Ban said, making us all go to him. There it was, a key. The key to the prision cell.

"We can finally get out!" I said happily. We can go and get Tristan and then get away!

"Let's get Tristan and flee!" I said, everyone else agreed. We went out of the cell and walked past a guard that didn't notice us. Then we come to the same room as when we was taken away, the throne room.

We saw Tristan standing behind Meliodas. Not good, how will we get him if he is with Meliodas?

-Meliodas POV-

I stared at that goddess, Elizabeth. Tristan behind me.

"Uncles and aunts!" I heard Tristan say, making me look behind to see the 6 sins. Great, a goddess that want to have a 'family' and the sins who surly want to have Tristan back.

"Come here Tristan." I whispered and picked him up.

"You are all staying away from Tristan!" I said and held Tristan as close to me as possible. No one is taking him from me!

The sins was just looking at Elizabeth in shock. I'm sure I killed her, so how did she come back to life?

I looked at Elizabeth who looked a bit sad. Well, not like I care.

"Guards!" I said and guards come rushing towards us. They stood in silence, waiting for command.

"Take them all to the cells!" I said, pointing at the sins, then at Elizabeth. The guards nodded and my eyes landed on Tristan.

He was hiding his face in my chest as I felt my shirt getting a bit wet. Small sobs was heard coming from him.

"Something wrong Tristan?" I asked. He was just still, neither giving a no nor a yes.

"What's wrong?" I asked and put him down as the guards had walked away with the prisoners. He slowly let go off me and looked on the ground before asking "Will t-they be okay? Aunt D-Diane a-and the others?"

God, will he ever forget them?!

"They deserve to be there. They are bad people." I said. He looked at me and said "B-but they t-took care of m-me before you did."

"Yeah, I know that, but I didn't know I had you before it. They are bed influences on you, just look at what they did, all emotional and all." I said and patted his head.

"But they was nice to me." He said, then I said "Enough talk about them! They are bad people. You should just forget them!" I said, took his wrist and dragged him with me.

It didn't take long before we arrived at his room and I pushed him inside.

"It takes 4 hours to lunch. You stay here in the meanwhile. I don't want you late, understand?!" I asked harsh. He nodded then I stormed out.

Great, really great. I have work to do and he wants to be with the sins. He is my son, he shouldn't be near those sins!

As I arrived at my office, I started with throwing my chair to the ground. Then I pushed the table over.

Right after I had done that, I realized that my work was all over the floor. With a heavy sigh, I started picking everything up.

-Tristan's POV-

As soon as father left, I started crying. I miss the sins. Father isn't anything as they said he was. I hate him! I don't want him as my father! I want someone else! Like uncle Ban or King or Escanor, maybe even uncle Gowther. They are much funnier to be with. I want a mother too! One that isn't as father! I hate father! More then anyone!

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