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-Diane's POV-

Elizabeth told us everything about the Captain acting when they come back. She said we should be acting while she tries to gather all her strength to turn him back to normal.

At least the curse have been automatically broken when he turned evil. Everything Elizabeth said about him breaking the curse two lives ago was all a lie. That's why Elizabeth regained her memories too.

We was all in the boar hat until we heard someone yell "What?!"


Guess Elizabeth told him that they was going to marry each other... or we come up with that too so that Elizabeth would have a bit more control over him.

Besides, she have loved him in 3000 years, how could she not want to save him from this?

She told us the truth about the Captain. Everything.

She said that from his birth, his father, the Demon King, put a spell over him to be heartless. Merlin didn't know that and thought it was his real personality.

She also told us that she is the only one able to undo that spell and that we should pretend he didn't have the spell so that she could look after him in the meanwhile she regain all her powers.

-Elizabeth's POV-

"WHAT?!" Meliodas yelled when I told him about the marriage. Well it was a lie, but I want more control over him. At least until I have put the spell on him.

The sins will be so angry at me when they figure out that I lied to them.

I mean, who would believe that his father put a spell on him at birth? That is stupid!

This is the real Meliodas and they are helping me put him under a spell where I will be able to control him.

"No! I'm not going to marry you!" He said angrily, making me say "Well, they will find out by themselves then."

"Yeah! I don't care anymore! I can't take one more bit of your lovey dovey!" He said and pulled out his sword from the holder I made him before, ready to attack me, but the door bust open.

"What are you two doing?" Hawk asked as he and Ban walked inside. The demon mark on Meliodas forehead appeared as his eyes become black.

"Captain?" Ban asked. Then Meliodas pointed the sword at me and said "Get out of my sight goddess before I kill you!"

"You bastard, what are you doing?!" Hawk yelled as Meliodas looked at him with a cold glare. Then he said "And you should get out of here to before I cook you alive. I have very little patience right now."

Hawk then ran behind Ban as Meliodas pointed the sword at him too and said "And I will cook you together with the pig."

"I'm a boar! Not a pig!" Hawk yelled. Meliodas gave him another glare as I took my chance to embrace Meliodas, putting my hand on his head to do the spell. I haven't fully regenerated my powers, but this should hold him up for a while.

Suddenly, his arm sink down to rest on his sides as he softly said "Elizabeth? What's happening here? I can't see anything."

Ban and Hawk took that as a que to go and so they did, leaving me and Meliodas alone.

"How are you feeling Meliodas?" I asked and let him go. The spell will only last some weeks if I have calculated it right.

Suddenly, I was on the floor and Meliodas was on top if me, cutting my face with his sword.

"I'm fine, in fact, I never been better. Now I can finally kill you a painful death without anyone disturbing. I want to hear you scream, scream until your lungs break and your heart stops beating. I want you to be so scared that your mind stops working and when you finally think it is over, the real pain will come. I want you to beg me to kill you to end your suffering." Meliodas, cutting my face slowly and deep.

(Okay, after writing this, I think I watch a bit too much horror movies where it almost always is some psycho or someone that become psycho in it. Hehe)

I tried my best to hold my screams and every sign of feeling pain right now, but small cries come out of my mouth.

He smirked as he heard it and continued to cut. I felt my blood drip down my face. Then he moved to my nose and slowly cut down it, that made me a crying mess, but I refused to scream. I wouldn't give him what he wants

The flood dripping from my nose ran down in my eyes, filling them so all I could see was red... from my own blood.

I started feeling a bit dizzy by now. No, no, no, no, not good. I need to heal myself before I fall unconscious! But with Meliodas on top of me, I couldn't move.

As I felt my face start to lose the feeling, I felt the worst pain ever until now. Slowly and painfully, Meliodas put his sword at my eye and pushed it down in the eyeball. When he pulled it out, it felt like my eye would plop out.

Then he did the same to my other eye. I just hope... he doesn't hurt my stomach. It is still a small chance...

If I die here and now... I hope the sins find my corpse in time. Even if I don't survive, it must...

Then I felt the sword slowly cut in my arms down to the bone. I will surely die now.

Mom, I'm sorry... I should have listened to you when you said a goddess and a demon never can fall in love.

Hawk and you others, Ban, King, Gowther, Diane, Merlin and Escanor, I will miss you, you was my best friends.

Meliodas... I know I just wanted the body of yours, but... after the three thousands years we have been together, I think I fell for you... I hope that you one day, can forgive me.

I will always watch over you and...

Then all the pain vanished and I felt warm.

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