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-Meliodas POV-

I woke up in the early morning and felt something or someone cuddling with me. I looked down to see the same goddess as before.

How dare she touch me?! I looked around to see where my sword was. I saw it on the floor at the same place as I passed out when I held that disgusting woman.

I sat up, but that dumb goddess was still holding in me. I swear, I will kill her.

Pushing her back, I got up and took the sword. Then I walked back to that goddess and held the blade to her neck. How could she still sleep?!

The door bust open and the long guy and fairy guy stood at the door with a Chastiefol and some nunchack or whatever.

"What do you think you are doing to the princess?!" The long guy asked angry.

"She? A princess? She isn't even near as powerful as one should be." I said cold.

"Back away from her!" The fairy guy said.

"And why should I? It will be fun to hear her scream, how her bones cracks one after one and see her blood pouring out of her body." I said.

"You are sick in the head." The long guy said. I slowly took away the blade from her neck and pointed it at her fingers.

"Why don't we start with her fingers? And slowly going up to her hand, arm, then the legs. Her eyes and then kill her off with slowly cutting her neck as brutal as possible?" I suggested.

"Don't you dear to hurt her!" The fairy guy said.

"I will, but it will be funnier if I start with you guys, you are already awake and is able to scream." I said.

-King's POV-

Captain disappeared and reappeared behind Ban. He cut Ban's back thousands of times and then pushed Ban to the floor.

I tried to attack with Chastiefol, but he dogged and the next second, he was behind me with his fingers at my  neck.

"You are weak, I wish that it at least would be fun to fight you." He said.

"B-Ban, you idiot." I said.

"Who are you calling an idiot?" He asked as he got up.

"Maybe it will be a little fun to fight you, but I can't wait then to see you scream in pain and begging me to stop torturing you." Captain said.

"What happened to our Captain?" I asked.

"Your Captain?" He asked.

"The one who lead us. The one who doesn't hurt anyone." I said.

"That sound like the opposite of me. Hurting and killing is the funniest you could do, especially when it is 'family' and 'friends'." He said.

"Captain?" I heard Diane's voice. Then Ban attacked the Captain and snatched me away as Diane tackled the Captain to the floor.

"Sorry Captain, but we want our Captain back." Ban said.

"You think that's enough to stop me?" He asked.

"Maybe not, but we will try until we get our old Captain back. The one everyone loves and the one who fell in love with Elizabeth!" Diane said.

"Falling in love? I would never feel that disgusting feeling. It's a worthless feeling that kill you in the end." The Captain said. Then we heard Elizabeth sitting up. She must have awoken.

"Sir Meliodas? Lady Diane, what are you doing to sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asked.

"Princess, he is not the same Meliodas we know." I said.

"Same Meliodas? The one you knew wasn't me and never will be." Captain said and chuckled. Then in a blink of an eye, he got up and smashed Diane to the wall.

"Diane!" I said. Captain looked at me with a smirk.

"I guess this is the person you love? It will be fun to see your face when I torture her to death. I start with taking out her eyes, cutting her all over the face, making her drown in her own blood and I will force you to watch." Captain said and the next second, Elizabeth was hugging him from the back.

"What the?! Get off of me you disgusting animal!" Captain yelled as he slammed her to the wall over and over again.

"No, I won't let you go until death." She said as her back started to get bloody.

"Well, then I don't have a choice then to kill you without torturing you." Captain said and pushed in his sword in her leg, making her let go of him and fall to the floor.

"Princess!" Both Ban and me said as Diane said Elizabeth.

"You really are too weak for a princess. Wonder how fast you would have died in a war. I guess we never get to know." Captain said and taking out his sword from her leg. I commanded Chastiefol to attack the Captain, but he stopped it with his sword.

"Hey, I have a great idea! Why don't I stop playing with you and actually get the real fun to start?" Captain asked.

"Play? You call this to play?!" Diane yelled angry.

"It is more like testing, but I don't care,  ow we go to the actually fun." Captain said as he started with attacking Ban. I tried to attack the Captain with Chastiefol, but he dogged. Diane tried to attack too. Elizabeth was unable to move, but she tried.

We continued to attack the Captain, but didn't even touch him, he attacked us and every attack hit. Then the Captain just stopped from nowhere. He looked down to his feet.

I looked where he did and saw Elizabeth hugging his legs and crying.

"Please Meliodas, stop this." She said, her face at his feet.

"Let go of me!" Captain yelled.

"No, please stop this torture, I love you." She said as she cried.

"Too bad for you then. Now let go of me. I don't want you near me. You disgust me!" Captain said harsh. Elizabeth didn't let go.

"No, I won't let go." She said. Captain took up one foot and kicked her in the face.

"Let go!" He said. She didn't. He then took his foot upon her head and smashed it to the floor again and again.

"Don't do that to Elizabeth!" Diane said. No of us was able to move any longer. Ban's immortality was even too weak to heal him on the spot. From the look of it, it would take at least 4 hours to heal.

"Let go of me you disgusting excuse for a goddess!" Captain said.

"Shock stinger!" Merlin's voice said and then a light cough the Captain, making him pass out. Elizabeth slowly got nearer the Captain as she cried. She cried in his chest and hugged him.

"What happened?" Merlin asked as she come into the room.

"The Captain was going to kill Elizabeth when we come in the room and then a fight broke out." I said. Diane and Ban nodded as Elizabeth cried onto the Captain.

"We need to lock him up in a perfect cube. Take Elizabeth from him." Merlin said. Gowther come in the room and walked up to Elizabeth.

"No! I won't leave him! If you want to lock him up then you need to lock me up with him!" Elizabeth said crying. We all locked at her choked.

"Hey, what is happening here?" Hawk asked as he come in the room.

"Elizabeth, don't, he will kill you." Diane said.

"If that happens, then I die by his side!" Princess said. Merlin signed and a perfect cube appeared around the two.

Will she really be okay?

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