Pregnancy is known

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-King's POV-

Meliodas looked at Tristan walking away before turning to us.

"If I hear anything about you in some way trying to take Tristan away from me or turn him against me, I will make sure that you all regret it. If you hurt him in any way possible, I will make your lives miserable and if you even think of fleeing or letting out any other prisoners, you will never be able to get out of that cell again. I will have a guard that watches everything you do to Tristan all the time." Meliodas spoke. We all just slightly nodded.

He was about to walk away again when Diane asked "What about Elizabeth?"

"What?!" Meliodas asked, turning back to us.

"You love each other... She's Tristan's mother." Diane trailed off.

"She's not anyone's lover. She's not Tristan's mother either. Tristan doesn't have a mother and you guys are not Tristan's uncles and aunts." He replied harshly before walking away.

"I feel so bad about Elizabeth..." Diane whispered, making me sigh and say "Let's go now."

Just as we walked out of the room, guards surrounded us.

"What is this?!" Ban immediately asked.

"Orders from the king, we are to make sure you aren't doing anything suspicious." One said. I sighed as they just led us to the dinning room where Meliodas and Tristan was already seated. It was so many turns and rooms we passed that I don't even know how to leave this room without getting lost.

Each one of us also got seated beside another black haired demon. Soon, plates was placed in front of everyone.

I looked at Tristan. His food wasn't cut into smaller pieces like we did, does he eat them whole?

Then Meliodas just took his food. I saw everyone of us sins secretly observing him.

"Meliodas? Why is they here and not in their cell?" The black haired one asked as we saw Meliodas start to cut Tristan's food in smaller pieces.

"I allowed them to be outside their cell only when being with Tristan." Meliodas said as he gave back Tristan's plate, soon also eating of his own food.

"Besides that, what did you want to talk about Zeldoris? You said it was important." Meliodas spoke, looking at the black haired boy beside us.

"I don't think Gelda should work anymore in some months at least." Zeldoris spoke. With a sigh, Meliodas just said "I have told you before Zeldoris, just because she's your girlfriend doesn't mean she doesn't have to work. Everyone is working, even Tristan is working with his sword techniques, why would Gelda not work when she's perfectly fine?"

"Because... because she's..."

"She's sick! Please father, let her rest a month. I saw her... throw up this morning!" Tristan said, clearly lying. No one will believe that.

"I know you are lying Tristan. We went to the town this morning." Meliodas spoke, looking at him. Tristan started fidgeting with his food as he said "I-I forgot about that, sorry father."

"Zeldoris, what is it you have told Tristan that you haven't told me yet? It's clearly something." Meliodas said, now looking at Zeldoris again.

"Fine, Gelda is with child." Zeldoris admitted, making the most of us shocked. A worker here is pregnant? Isn't that too much work?

"I know that." Meliodas said, making us even more shocked.

Zeldoris stood up, asking "You knew?!"

"Yes, it's quite easy to tell when your girlfriend is gaining really much weight in just some months. Also, you two have to be quiet while doing things, my room is just next doors to yours." Meliodas said. Ewww, he heard everything they did?

"That's also why Tristan's room is on the other side of the castle than yours." Meliodas continued.

"S-sorry brother." Zeldoris spoke. Brother? I do have a faith memory of Meliodas having a brother, but I have no idea how many or who.

"Father, I'm going to play now!" Tristan suddenly interrupted, Meliodas just nodding. All the sins, who was also already done, followed Tristan out.

-Meliodas' POV-

"You didn't tell me because you didn't want me to be in your child's life, admit it." I spoke, looking down at my plate as I ate.

I hea rd d Zeldoris gulp before he said "T-that's not it brother. I-it's j-j-just that-"

"Admit it." I demanded. He sighed and said "Y-yeah, t-that's the actual reason."

I knew it.

"But I don't want everyone to know that I have a child! I want my child to live a normal life without people to decide over them and that makes them scared or uncomfortable." He argued, making me ask "You mean me, don't you?"

Looking up, I saw him slightly nod.

I sighed, standing up and walking away, saying "I hope your child gets a happy life without me as well as you and Gelda. You two are banned from this castle from today and on."

"But bro-"

"It's that or you go to the dungeon." I spoke. He was just quiet as I left the room. Taking a deep breath, I just heard Zeldoris yell "Gelda!" before I walked away.

I walked into my room, seeing my own reflection in the mirror. Standing still, I just looked at myself, into my eyes.

They was so black and... so cold...

This is me. The real, cold hearted, hated me. This is the me I hate the most, but have to be. I don't know how to be in another way. I was taught to be in this way and I turned out exactly like that.

Tristan makes my walls crumble down to just dust in mere seconds when I'm with him. He's my weakness and I can't get rid of him. I can't get rid of my one and only weakness, how much I want it, I can't. He means too much to me.

I'm weak. I shouldn't care about him like this. He's a traitor and should be either killed or locked into the cell, but I just can't.

Sitting down in bed, I looked at my palms that was now shaking a bit. He's making me weak and I can't do anything about it. I shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't show mercy to anyone, but I can't help than only give him my best.

I must find a way to get rid of my weakness or I have to kill him. I might have to kill Tristan.

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