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-Elizabeth's POV-

I sighed, sitting down in my cell on the cold, hard stone floor. I miss Meliodas and I want to get to know Tristan. I see him running back and forth to the sins cell every day, being with them. They are so lucky that they could be with him, get to know him.

It's been months since Meliodas came here last. I miss him so much.

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I might as well go to sleep. Eating and sleeping is the only things I does nowadays, not that I get that much food anyways, but I at least get some.

Footsteps was heard, making me look up. There I saw Tristan and the sins walk to their cell after a day of play or whatever they do.

Then I heard Tristan's footsteps run, but halted when they was near. Looking up, I saw him looking towards me with a sad explosion.

I gave him the best smile I could, saying "You should go before you get in trouble Tristan."

He nodded, mumbling "I know, but I can't see you like this. I have heard about how much you love my father..."

I was stunned, but he just ran away again. I wish I could just hug him and talk to him. To be with him.

Closing my eyes again, I was about to fall asleep when I heard other footsteps. It was probably a guard...

"Prove yourself." I heard, making me look up, my eyes wide. There he stood, Meliodas...

My eyes teared up as I looked at him, before realizing what he said.

"W-what?" I whispered. He stood in front of me, looking down at me with his muscular arms crossed.

"The sins, Tristan, even my own brother have told me that I loved you and that you love me. Prove that you love me and I might consider letting you out of here." He said. I felt tears in my eyes dwell up as I nodded. I never thought I would get the chance to be with Meliodas again.

"Y-yes. I would do anything for you." I said, slowly getting up. All he did was watch me get up and soon, I followed closely as he led me somewhere.

Once we arrived into a room, Meliodas mentioned for me to sit in the bed before sitting down beside me.

"If you really love me, describe how it feels. Describe how you feel about me." Meliodas demanded, making me think.

"I-it's hard to describe. I just... get this warm feeling when I'm with you. I want to be held by you and have you touch me. I want to feel your warmth and have you to myself only. I just... don't know. I want you and only you. Whether it's physical touch or just talk to each other, it's all amazing. I'm happy just being near you, to hear you and see you."

He nodded slowly, mumbling "I make you feel warm... and you want me to yourself only...? It sounds..."

A small smile plastered on his face as he looked down on his hands. Before I knew it, he was pinning me down to the bed.

I looked into his black, lifeless eyes.

I just felt shocked at the sudden movement, but immediately relaxed when he gave a small smile, saying "Love... I want to feel it too."

With a small nod, I whispered "Then I want to help you. I want to give you the love you deserve and desire. I want you to feel the exact same way I do."

We looked into each others eyes, his black eyes slowly closing as mine did too.

-Meliodas' POV-

Love... it felt amazing... so this is what I have been longing for in so long now? I finally found it and now when I have it, I won't let it go. Never.

I pulled her closer to me. Her sleeping figure just pulling her arms around me.

This is what I have wanted a while now. Someone telling me how amazing I am and encouraging me. Someone who sees past my hated side and looks for me only. Even with all shit I'm throwing, she still gives me the thing called love.

I moved to lay on my other side, moving her with me.

"She loves you!"

"Everyone says that mother love you."

"You two loved each other!"

"Elizabeth loves you more than anyone."

"You loved her! You loved her so much!"

"Love can't be implanted!"

"She loves you with her whole heart!"

"You betrayed the clan for her, you loved her."

"Everyone knows you love that goddess."

"She wants you to love her like you used to."

"You can't get brainwashed to love!"

"You know by heart if you are in love."

"Mother really seems to love you, father."

"She betrayed her own race to be with you!"

"I love you."

Everything they have said... The sins, Zeldoris, even Tristan and herself, they have all said the same thing about us... so why don't I remember it? Why don't I remember anything about love?

Ever since I became king, something have been missing. Was it really love that I had missed? No... it can't be...

"I'm freezing." I heard from Elizabeth. Without thinking, I used my darkness to cover us up, holding her close to myself. A small smile plastered on her face, making me sigh.

"This room will be your new cell from now on." I spoke. She looked up at me with a confused face.

"I want this every night."


"I want you to show me you love me every night. I will let you go when I'm convinced you won't leave." I spoke.

"That's okay with me, but then you have to show me your beautiful green eyes." She replied. I moved for my back to face her, saying "That side is weak."

"That side is the real you." She mumbled.

-Merlin's POV-

"See? All he needed was a little push with Gowther's magic and he's about to recover to normal!" Diane quietly cheered.

"Will father go back to normal? And love mother how he used to?" Tristan asked. Ban keeled down in front of him, saying "Yeah, we are gonna get back your real dad. One way or another."

"Exactly, Meliodas just needs a push and then he will slowly recover back to our Captain." I said.

"I-It isn't dangerous, right?" Tristan asked.

"No, I-I do hope it isn't." Escanor answered. Gowther made a small pose and said "He will be fine."

"Just some more pushes like this and he will be back to Captain, right?" King asked. I just nodded, saying "That's right. Trying to convince him how much he loved her and the other way around was the first step, now we just pushes him a bit to spend time with Elizabeth and once he's in love with her again, we will have our Captain back."

"A-and father will be just like you told me he was? Happy and kind?"

Diane nodded, saying "That's right Tristan."

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