Come out

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-Meliodas POV-

I smirked and looked at the tall guy. Pretty stupid, huh?

"What did you do to Elizabeth?!" The giant asked.

"I was bored with her and decided to come down here." I said with a smirk.

"And Merlin?" The fairy asked.

"Should take her last breath soon." I said, my smirk growing.

"You bastard!" The pig yelled and ran towards me. I pointed my sword at him and he stopped just inches away.

"A talking pig? Your head will be a perfect decoration in my room." I said. He let out a small scream and ran behind the tall guy. Then the giant fell to the floor crying.

"I-I don't understand you. How? How could you do this? How could you like this?" She asked.

"I have told you many times, it's fun." I said and pointed my sword to her neck. The next second, I was behind her with the sword at her neck.

"Wanna die a painful death or a brutal death?" I asked.

-Ban's POV-

"I-I" Diane said. Then Captain froze and took his hands to his head while dropping the sword in Diane's lap.

"What the heck?!" Captain asked.

"What is happening?" King asked.

"I think it is the breath of bless that is still trying to take over him." Gowther answered.

"Pin him to the floor!" Hawk said as Diane stood up and pinned him. I went after and helped her. Captain struggled and mumbled things.

Soon his demon mark disappeared and his green eyes come back. He looked at us confused.

"Hey guys? Why are you pinning me to the floor?" He asked. Me and Diane looked at each other. Then we slowly let go of the Captain. Diane then hugged him.

"Captain! You ar-" Diane was interrupted by a stab with a sword in her stomach by the Captain. Diane fell to the floor bleeding and King come to her in an instant.

"You really trought I would be like that? Funny. You are too naive for your own good." Captain said as his demon mark come back.

"D-Diane." King said.

"Why don't I finish you off? You are getting boring." Captain said and took out his sword from Diane's stomach, making her scream in pain.

"Who will die first? Eenie, meenie, moe you." Captain said and pointed at me with his sword. The next second, I was sliced in the middle at my stomach.

"That have happened to me before." I said with a grin.

"An immoral? This may be more fun then I trought." Captain said.

"So how will I kill you? Attack you and then let go of immortality or let go of immortality and then attack you?" Captain asked.

"Take away my immortality? I don't think that is possible." I said.

"Take it away first it is." Captain said with a smirk.

"Acuma narendra literoria kedayh." Captain spoke as he walked towards me.

"Where should we start? Maybe just a small cut." Captain said and cut my arm from the shoulder down to my hand.

I waited a minute that it would heal, but it didn't.

"What the fuck?! I am bleeding, but it doesn't heal." I said.

"I took away your immortality. Now you are exactly like all the other weak humans." Captain said and cut me over and over again. Then he suddenly stopped.

"Before I kill you, I want to know where the other demons are and my brother 'cause I have some things to make up with him." Captain said.

"Captain, I have already told you that they are sealed away in the demon realm." Gowther said.

"Shut up, Gowther! I won't listen to a traitor!" Captain yelled.

"I am actually not a traitor with the fact I don't know what you are talking about." Gowther said.

"Oh, I forgot, you don't remember anything due to the fact you betrayed the demon clan and was affected by your commandment. It's your fault the holy war is over! You was the one who took the must fun from me! See one body after one fall to the ground!" Captain yelled the 3 last sentences.

"Sorry for destroy the fun for you." Gowther said. The next second, Captain was on top of Gowther and holding in Gowther's head in his hand.

"I know you can't die, but what if I tear you apart and then lays one part in each of your 'friends' tombs?" Captain asked Gowther.

"I would like to be with my friends." Gowther said.

"Good, then it's decided." Captain said while placing throwing away Gowther's head to the floor.

"Now, tell me, where is my brother?!" Captain asked.

"We doesn't know." King said, holding a bleeding Diane in his arms.

"Meliodas!" We heard a scream. It sounded like the princess.

"Elizabeth! You are o...kay." Diane said. King then took out Chastiefol and healed us all.

"Why do she scream after me? Is she that stupid?" Captain asked confused.

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