The talk with Elizabeth

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-Tristan's POV-

"F-Father bruised me." I finally answered. With a soft voice, she said "Let me look."

I pulled out my wrist for her to look when a glow appeared from her hand. The bruise faded away together with the pain.

"There you go. Is it any better?" She asked. I nodded with a small smile.

"Your father isn't in his right mind right now. I'm sure he loves you more then anything." Mother said. I shook my head and said "No, father doesn't care about me. I hate him."

"It's okay, if you go and get the guards keyes, you can come in here with me and I will tell you everything, okay?" She asked. With a small nod, I walked up to one of the guards and asked "Can I get a key to the cells?"

"But prince Tristan, it isn't s-" I cut the guard off by saying "Please?"

They looked at me a second before he gave me one.

"Thank you!" I said and ran back to mother. I held up the key and said "Here it is."

She took it and opened the cell. Then she went to the real wall and sat down.

"Come here." She said. I walked in to her, closing the cell door on the way and sat down beside her.

"Just before I start telling you things, what did Meliodas name you?" She asked, making me ask "Meliodas is... father, right?"

She nodded, so I said "He didn't name me. He started taking care of me two days ago."

"He did? Who named you then? Was you with Diane and the other sins?" She asked, making me nod.

"Well, what's your name?" She asked, making me say "Tristan."

"Really? Was it Ban that named you?" She asked, making me nod again. Then I asked "How did you know it was uncle Ban?"

"Your dad and Ban was once best friends and I remember once when they talked about their future and families. Your father have always wanted our child to be named Tristan. He told Ban that when they had the talk." Mother said, making me nod.

"So, what's your name then?" I asked and looked up at her. She smiled and said "Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth." I whispered. She smiled and asked "What do you want to know?"

"How did you fall in love with father? He is like a monster. He's so cold towards everyone and he scares me." I said.

"I'm sure he loves you Tristan, as much as I love you. He can be a bit cold, but sometimes, he could be a softie too. You just have to make it happen instead of waiting for it to happen." Mother said, making me look at her confused.

-Meliodas POV-

"You majesty!" One guard said, making me sigh in annoyance before stopping and looking back at them.

"What is it?" I asked. I'm not in the mood for this shit.

"Prince Tristan walked down in the dungeon and asked for a key to a cell." The other guard said.

"What?! And you gave him it?" I asked. They looked at me as the first said "Y-yes you majesty."

"Why did you do that?!" I yelled, making them both back some steps.

"Y-you told us to give him r-respect and h-he was so cute w-when h-he asked f-for the keys." The second guard said as the first said "He was so polite."

"Give me the keyes!" I said and walked towards them. The first guard took out his keyes and gave them to me, as I continued towards the dungeon.

First he tells me he hates me and now he is going to meet the sins?! He will be punished for this!

I walked down the stairs and heard Tristan say "-Love with father? He like a monster. He's always so cold towards everyone and he scares me."

I'm... scaring him? Monster? Is that what he thinks about me?

"I'm sure he loves you Tristan, as much as I love you. He can be a bit cold, but sometimes, he could be a softie too. You just have to make it happen instead of waiting for it to happen." Elizabeth said. Then Tristan asked "But he even bruised my arm. He doesn't love me."

I sighed and walked up to them, opening the cell as I walked inside the cell and took Tristan's hand. Then I pulled him out of the cell and locked it before pulling him with me. He was complaining and trying to get free the whole time.

As we arrived at his room, I closed the door and sat Tristan on bed. He was looking down on his lap.

"Where is that bruise?" I asked as I stood in front of him, looking after the bruise.

"M-mother healed it." He said. I went down so we would be at the same level and pulled up his face to look at me. I pushed away the hair that was covering a bit of his forehead and kissed it. Then I pulled him in a hug.

"Listen Tristan. I... really do... l-love you. I-I'm just not a good dad. You are and forever will be... my only child. Okay?" I asked. He nodded in my chest and hugged me back.

When we, or rather I, let go, I sat down in bed beside him. Tristan was still hugging me, so I petted his head a bit and rubbed his back.

"I'm sorry I have been a horrible dad." I said. He just hugged me a bit, so I looked around his room. Then I looked back at Tristan. This isn't his style, I can tell that with those colourful clothes he had when he come. Knowing the sins is so emotional, they surely gave him 'toys' for him to pass the time instead of fighting with swords or other weapons.

"Tristan, we can go to town tomorrow to buy toys and make the room more your style if you want." I suggested. He nodded, still hugging me while I said "But, you need to learn how to use a sword as a reward, okay?"

"I-I'm not going to kill anyone, right?" He asked.

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