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-Meliodas POV-

As I cut in her other arm, I felt her whole body just... drop. Not drop in as she fainted, drop like in dead. It was a shame. She died before I could hear her scream.

I got up from her and looked down at her lifeless body. She was dead.

Well, I should go back to Zeldoris and the others. Chandler have surely looked around the whole place after me.

I sighed as I knew what was coming now. I, Meliodas, will be the king and lead the demon race and soon, the whole Britannia.

I took out my wings and went off. This time, it will get much faster to get to the castle. That good for nothing goddess just slowed me down and make me doubt myself. I'm the most feared existence, no way I will let her play with my mind. Making me think I even had emotions. How stupid.

All those emotions I 'felt', the guilt and regret, it was just her breath and bless fighting my strong mind.

As I arrived, Zeldoris come up to me immediately and asked "Where have you been?! What have you been doing?! Father wanted to talk to you, he is in a bad mood."

"I'm so sorry for killing my 'lover'." I said sarcastic. Then I asked "Where is he?"

"In the throne room." Zeldoris said, making me nod and walk to the throne room. Annoyed, I waited for him talking.

"Meliodas, as my rightful heir, you should know that I don't have much time left." He started, making me ask him "And what do you want to come with that?" bored.

"You Meliodas, will become the king and lead the demon race in my place." He said, making me say "Like I didn't know that already."

"Well, my days are counted and because of that, I will now give up the throne to you." He said. This is not like him.

Nodding, I said "Whatever."

Something is wrong. He is trying something, but what?!

He just sighed and said "You will have your coronation tomorrow. Just act as a king."

"Yeah, yeah, can I go now?" I asked, making him answer "Yes my son."

He is definitely up to something. Tomorrow, I will send a guard to guard my old man until his death. I won't let him out of my sight.

-Diane's POV-

I walked up to the Captain's and Elizabeth's room. Ban and Hawk said that Elizabeth have made him back to normal again! I can't wait to see him!

I also tried to go up to them before, but when I was going up, Ban said that I should leave the tao lovebirds be. He was right, after all the struggles, they should have some alone time.

Maybe Elizabeth even tell him the secret. Oh, I can't wait to see his happy face when he get to know! Oh god, no one would even be able to go near them after that.

The best is that it is soon time. It can happen whenever!

After two hours, I couldn't wait, I ran up the stairs and bust in the door. I need to see the real Captain again, I have missed him so much. We all have.

The sight in front of me stunned me. So much.

Elizabeth laid on the floor all bloody. Her arms was cut to the bone and her hair was painted red of the blood. You couldn't even see her face because the blood was there. It was a blood puddle around her.

"Elizabeth!" I yelled and ran up to her. She was cold and no signs of living. She was... dead.

Tears fell from my eyes as all the sins ran in the room, seeing the horrific sight in front of them. Merlin was the first to speak saying "How is her stomach? Maybe it survived?"

Her stomach was fine as Merlin checked it. A small smile appeared on her face as she said "It survived. The Captain's and Elizabeth's baby is still alive."

She was pregnant. A goddes pregnancy. Captain didn't know that because she wanted it to be a surprise. The baby was ready to come whenever.

"Take her body to my lab, I need to take out the child." Merlin said. A goddes pregnancy doesn't affect the same way as a human. Goddesses bodies don't change like humans do and they are much smaller when they are morn then a human.

At least what Merlin and Elizabeth told me, but with the child being a half demon, it might be different. Maybe it is a bit bigger then a goddess baby? Or at first it is like a goddess baby, but then acts more like a demon baby?

It's so confusing!

-Merlin's POV-

Elizabeth body laid down on my desk. All the sins loomed at my work as I carefully cut open Elizabeth's stomach. Then I started looking after the baby who should be very small. I took out all the organs that was in my way until I found the small baby.

It wasn't any bigger then a hand.

"It's male." I said as I picked up the baby and started whipping off all the blood from him before putting him in a warm blanket.

"What are we going to do now with a baby? He won't have neither a dad nor mom." Diane said as she cried.

"Our first priority should be to take the Captain back to normal." I said, making King asked "What about the baby?"

"Well, someone will need to take care of it in the meanwhile." I said and gave the baby to whoever wanted to hold him. Being Diane in this case.

"Shouldn't the baby be our first priority?" Diane asked, making me say "No, but we need to rise him until we have taken back the Captain."

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