Hanging with the sins

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-Tristan's POV-

I sat down and ate, uncle Zeldoris sitting in front of me together with a blonde girl.

"You are just too adorable! Your name was Tristan, right? It's the perfect name for you!" The blonde said.

"Gelda, please, slow down." Uncle said. I just ate, feeling embarrassed. Then a question came to my mind, making me ask "Why did you lie?"

I took uncle's attention, asking "What do you mean?"

"Why did you say that father gave me that cake when you did? Why are you helping out in the castle when you're not allowed to?" I asked. He nodded, thinking a bit.

"Well, you see. I don't want you two being on bad terms. He cares about you, even if he doesn't show it much. If he wouldn't care about you, he would have killed you for being a traitor and hang with the sins. I wouldn't want to be on bad turns with my child, so why would he?" Uncle Zeldoris started, making me nod.

"I just told you that he gave you it so you would feel a bit more loved by him, that's all. To answer your other question, Gelda would need all help she could get right now. She already work harder than she should at a time like this."

Getting more curious about this, I asked "What time? Everything seems pretty normal to me!"

He smiled and looked at Gelda, saying "Don't tell your father about this yet, but you will become a cousin soon. Gelda is with child."

"Really?!" I asked, excited to probably get a friend here. They both nodded, but then I come to think of something else. Why shouldn't I tell father?

"Why not tell father?"

"It will be a surprise for him. That's all. Being an uncle is a big deal. At least for most people." Gelda answered, making me nod, saying "Then I also wanna help you!"

They both laughed a bit as uncle said "You can't. You already have your own things to do. You have to train sword techniques and stuff."

. . . . .

I went down to the dungeon, father had given me the keyes to the cells and let me go and play with auntie Diane and the others like he said.

Smiling as I ran past the guards and down the stairs, I went into the cold room and ran up to their cell.

"Everyone! I have missed you guys so much!" I said and pulled up the key, unlocking the cell.

Aunt Diane went to hug me first, then uncle Ban and Escanor.

"How did you get the keyes, Tristan?" Uncle King asked. Smiling, I said "Father gave them to me! He said that if I practice wielding a sword to defend myself, I would be able to meet you whenever I wanted!"

"Tristan, how is he treating you?" Aunt Diane asked. Smiling, I said "He takes care of me and loves me! Father is so kind to me! But he could be scary when he gets mad."

They all nodded, then I said "You must see my room! It's awesome!"

"W-" I cut uncle Ban off by saying "Come on! I will show the way!"

Before they could say anything, I went out of the cell and started walking towards my room. I'm so excited to show them my new room father gave me instead of the boring one! He gave me it just before I started training this morning, so I haven't spent much time in it either!

Everyone followed me quietly until we reached my room. Opening it, I yelled "Ta-da!"

They all looked into the room. It was filled with toys and books! So many books! Also, the walls was white, but father allowed me to paint them as I wanted with my pencils!

"Play with me now! I have boring being alone here without you guys!" I said.

-Diane's POV-

We was all playing and having a good time with Tristan. It was a while ago we could be happy like this. Everyone of us have been so worried about Tristan, even Gowther and Merlin showed it a bit.

Suddenly, it was a knock on the door that made us all freeze except Tristan.

"Young Master Tristan, dinner is ready."

"I will come soon Chandler! Oh, can aunt Diane, Merlin, uncle Ban, King, Escanor and Gowther eat too?" Tristan asked.

"You have to ask your father about that. I will get him for you." The voice said as fading steps soon was heard.

"Damn it, we have to go before he comes." Ban said, making us all nod. Tristan gave us all a confused look and asked "What? Why?"

"Because your father is not good." Merlin answered. We other just nodded as Tristan said "Father said the same about you. That you are bad. Why do you dislike each other so much?"

"Listen Tristan, you will understand when you get older. For now, we just need to find a way to flee from here." I spoke softly, trying to get him to understand.

"But I want to stay with father and uncle Zeldoris. I will even get a cousin soon too! I can't wait until she or he comes!" He said. Gowther then said "We have not much time left."

"Tristan, I understand that you like it here, but your father, your uncle Zeldoris and everyone here is bad. We have to go now to have a chanc-"

We all froze as the door opened and we all looked there to see Meliodas.

"Father!" Tristan said excitedly, running up to him. Meliodas leaned down to his level, saying "Dinner is ready, go down and eat while I take care of this, okay?"

Tristan nodded, but then asked "Can they eat with us?" while pointing at us. With a bit of a sad tone, Meliodas just replied "No, they wi-"


"Fine, but then I want at least 5 guards guarding you. You should have it all the time you is with them." Meliodas answered.

Then he stood up again and spoke "Go and tell the kitchen to make some more food, I will just have a small talk with the sins."

Tristan nodded and ran away, making me gulp. This will not turn out well...

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